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 > 我的加菲貓樂園


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我的加菲貓樂園?Word of the Day: July 29, 2022brouhaha,現在小編就來說說關于我的加菲貓樂園?下面内容希望能幫助到你,我們來一起看看吧!



Word of the Day: July 29, 2022



noun /BROO-hah-hah/ [ˈbruhɑˌhɑ]

What It Means

Brouhaha is a synonym of both uproar and hubbub, and can mean "a noisy confusion of sound" or "state of commotion."

Brouhaha 是uproar 和 hubbub的同義詞,可以表示“a noisy confusion of sound「嘈雜的聲音混亂」”或“state of commotion「騷動」”。

BROUHAHA in Context

“An international piano competition back in 1958—the Tchaikovsky, in Moscow—made Texas-raised Van Cliburn an overnight international celebrity. In the height of Cold War tensions, his face was splashed across front pages, and he was feted with a ticker tape parade on Wall Street. No classical music competition anywhere stirs up that kind of brouhaha today.” — Scott Cantrell, The Dallas Morning News, 26 May 2022

“1958 年的一場國際鋼琴比賽——在莫斯科舉行的柴可夫斯基比賽——讓德克薩斯長大的範克萊本一夜之間成為了國際名人。 在冷戰緊張局勢最嚴重的時候,他的登上了了各大報紙的頭條,在華爾街受到了盛大的歡迎。 至今沒有任何古典音樂比賽能引起這樣的騷動。”

Did You Know?

The English language borrowed brouhaha directly from French in the late 18th century, but its origins beyond that are uncertain—not quite the subject of noisy brouhaha but perhaps more modest debate. What’s less arguable is that brouhaha is fun to say, as are many of its synonyms, including hubbub, williwaw, hullabaloo, bobbery, and kerfuffle. And many of these, also like brouhaha, tend to suggest a certain judgment that the reason for all the foofaraw is a bit silly, or at least not worth getting all worked up about. A dad joke, for example, might raise some brouhaha, even though it’s really no reason for an uproar to brew. Haha!

‘在18世紀後期,英語直接從法語中借用了 brouhaha 這個詞,但除此之外,它的起源尚不确定——有點不是這種喧鬧的感覺,是種更溫和的辯論的感覺。沒有争議的是,brouhaha說起來很有趣,就像它的許多同義詞一樣,(包括hubbub、williwaw、hullabaloo、bobbery和kerfuffle。)都傾向于暗示一種判斷,即所有這些大吵大鬧的原因有點不明事理,或至少不值得為之大動幹戈。 A dad joke, for example, might raise some brouhaha, even though it’s really no reason for an uproar to brew. Haha!「爸爸的笑話可能會引起一些騷動,盡管它沒有值得引起騷動的理由。哈哈!」

Name That Synonym

What 5-letter word beginning with "f" and ending with "r" is a synonym of brouhaha but also specifically refers to an angry fit or a fashion craze?







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