30個成語解釋和例句?拔苗助長(Pulling grain for growing) ,我來為大家科普一下關于30個成語解釋和例句?以下内容希望對你有幫助!
拔苗助長(Pulling grain for growing)
In Spring and Autumn Age, there lived a farmer in Song Kingdom, who got a impatient temper. He had a paddy field, with seedlings just planted. He was worrying about seedlings’ slow growth. and wanted them grow up as soon as possible.
One day. He got an idea. He went to the paddy field. Pulled one seedling higher out from the ground. And found that the seedling had grown a lot. He was very happy about this. Then he pulled all the seedlings in the field like this. After a day’s work. he was tired out. he went back home, and told this to his son. His son was curious about this. And went to the field to take a look. But situation before him was that, all seedlings had withered away.
This idiom implies that. things will get spoiled if action is taken against the regulation.