(1) Get your feet off my couch.把你的腳從我的沙發上拿開。(腳與沙發分離)
(2) Why are all of the lids off the paint cans?為什麼這些顔料筒都沒蓋上蓋?(蓋子與顔料筒分離)
3) I finally take his picture off the wal.最後我還是把他的照片從牆上摘了下來。(照片與牆脫離)
4) James couldn' t get the ring off his finger. James沒辦法把戒指從手上取下來。(我指與手指脫離)
(5) The other driver forced my car off the road.另一個人開車把我的車擠出了車道。(車與道路脫離)
(6) Betty gets a wet sponge and starts cleaning the blood off the且oo.貝蒂拿了一塊濕海綿開始清理地闆上的血迹。(血與地闆脫離)
(1) She clears off a space next to her on the bed.她在床上靠近她的地方清理出一塊空地。(脫離原來雜亂的狀态)
(2) She stares off into space, thinking.她凝望着太空,遐想着。(目光脫離原來的位置,此處如果不用Of隻說 stare into的話也可以,但就表達不出遠望的感覺)
(3)How am I supposed to pull off a formal dinner with no warning?
我怎樣才能在不打招呼的情況下做一頓像樣的晚餐? (pull off的意思是“試圖達到”,這句話有很強的隐喻意義,我們可以直譯為“強行脫掉因為濕透而粘在身上的衣服”,意思是“很難做某事” ")
(4) I'm dozing off during the day.我白天一直打瞌睡。(doae已經是瞌睡的意思,但加上之後就強調了人的精神已經脫離了原先的狀态)
(5) This news has taken a load off my mind.聽了這個好消息我就放心了。(心事不在了)
(6) Monetary compensation? You're trying to buy us off?經濟賠償?
(7) It pissed me off.這事真讓我生氣。(原來心平氣和,現在生氣了,原先的狀态不在)
(8) I think my tranquilizer is wearing off.我想鎮靜劑正在失去效用。(從有效到無效,失去了原來的作用)
(9) It just kind of caught me off guard.這讓我有點失去警覺。
(10) Get your hands off me.把你的手拿開。
你可能認為 off 動詞的使用更複雜,更難掌握。 其實,如果去掉這些動詞,雖然不如原句生動,但基本意思還是可以表達出來的。 讓我們把上面的例子改成如下:
(1)Her sight is off into space, thinking.
(2)I'm sleepy and my mind is off the work during the day.
(3)Monetary compensation? You want us to be off the issue.
(4)It made me off the good mood.
(5)I think my tranquilizer is off the effect.
(1) Joe was clearly relieved to be off the topic of his ex-girlfriend
(2) He says he's been off cocaine for five months
(3)We're off.
(4)All the lights were off when I got home.
(5) Carol is off for the whole week.
(6)His wedding was still about six weeks off.
(7) Is the date off?