pliant / ˈplaɪənt / ADJECTIVE (of a person or their body 人或人體 ) soft and giving way to sb, especially in a sexual way 綿軟順從的;柔順的
◆ her pliant body 她那柔軟的肢體
◆ She lay pliant in his arms. 她順從地偎依在他的懷中。
( sometimes disapproving) willing to accept change; easy to influence or control 溫順的;容易擺布的
◆ He was deposed and replaced by a more pliant successor. 他被趕下台,由一個比較容易擺布的繼任者取代。
pliancy /‘plaiənsi/ n. 柔軟;柔順;适應性
She is of more quickness of observation and less pliancy of temper than her sister.