摘 要
關鍵字:個人博客;Django ;Mysql數據庫
Pick to
Personal blog is a very important thing in the teaching process of every school. With the development of computer multimedia technology and the popularity of the network. Using the current popular B/S mode and three layer architecture design ideas through Python technology to develop this system is to build a network environment of personal blog platform, so that can effectively solve the situation of personal blog chaos.
This article first introduces the development background and development status of personal blog, and then follow the routine software development process, first of all, in view of the system and the selection of suitable language development platform, according to the requirement analysis module and database structure design, and then based on the system's overall function module design rendering system function module chart, flow diagram and e-r diagram. Then, design the framework and write code according to the designed framework to achieve each functional module of the system. Finally, the preliminary completed system is tested, mainly functional test, unit test and performance test. The test results show that the system can achieve the required functions, and the running condition is fair and there is no obvious defect.
Key words: personal blog; Django. The Mysql database
目 錄
第一章 概述 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2課題研究目的 1
1.3 開發現狀分析 2
1.4 課題開發意義 2
第二章 開發技術介紹 4
2.1 系統開發平台 4
2.2 平台開發相關技術 4
2.2.1 Django技術 4
2.2.2 Mysql數據庫介紹 4
2.2.3 Mysql環境配置 4
2.2.4 B/S架構 5
2.2.4 Django框架 5
第三章 系統分析 7
3.1 可行性分析 7
3.1.1 技術可行性 7
3.1.2 操作可行性 7
3.1.3經濟可行性 7
3.2性能需求分析 8
第四章 系統設計 9
4.1功能結構 9
4.2 數據庫設計 9
4.2.1 數據庫E/R圖 9
4.2.2 數據庫表 11
第五章 系統功能實現 16
5.1管理員功能模塊 16
第六章 系統測試 26
第七章 總結 27
緻 謝 28
參考文獻 29
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