英語口語:hate one's guts不是恨内髒,ditch you啥意思?
一、當今“互聯網 ”時代學習英語,我們所有的學習都可以歸結為一個問題:學什麼和怎麼學?
比如,hate one's guts啥意思?ditch you啥意思?
1.學什麼?學會用英文Yahoo并用它解決問題的意識、習慣和能力。這比單純隻用中文學會hate one's guts不啥意思,ditch you啥意思重要不止一點點。
2.學什麼?hate one's guts啥意思?ditch you啥意思?
3. 怎麼學?一定不是由老師告訴你“什麼意思”,而是自己動手Yahoo而“知道”它什麼意思。
所有的英語學習,都是為了反複訓練和掌握這兩個“學什麼”和“怎麼學”的意識、習慣和能力。所學英語hate one's guts不是恨内髒,ditch you啥意思中的hate one's guts,恨内髒,ditch you部分可以“代入”所有你想學和想知道的英語,然後重複同一個學習動作,最終讓你獲得的是“意識”、“習慣”和“能力”,而非僅僅是其“中文意思”。
Yahoo Is Everything,不懂就Yahoo呗。千萬不要跳過這個環節,直接進到“中文是什麼?”
1) Yahoo hate one's guts
- hate one's guts 1:To hate someone very much.
- hate one's guts 2:To feel nothing but hatred for one.
2) 自我口語訓練:
1. Okay.I got you. If someone hates my guts, they hate me very much.
2. If you hate someone very much, you can ssy:I hate his guts.
3. Okay.I got you. If you hate her guts, you feel nothing but hatred for her.
3) 輪到你把下面的hate one's guts說成英語:
1. I know for a fact that Stacy hates my guts. She told me to drop dead last time I saw her.
2. He doesn't hate your guts, Paul. He's just mad that you lied to him.
3. Oh, Bob is terrible. I hate his guts!
4. You may hate my guts for saying so, but I think you're getting gray hair.
Ditch you的學習過程同理。略。
小結:一個沒有通過學習英語hate you guts而獲得動手Yahoo的意識、習慣和能力的訓練,完全跳過動手Yahoo環節,而直接問老師要hate one's guts的中文答案“對某人恨之入骨”,隻學得一句中文意思“恨之入骨”的人,英語不會大踏步進步。