3 days old-newborn baby
18 months-toddler(學步兒童)
28-in his late twenties
35-in his mid-thirties
42-in his early forties
48-he is middle aged
85-he is fairly elderly(elderly是對老人的比較禮貌的稱呼)
表達1:I've got a son. He is 2 years old.
表達2:I've got a 2-year-old son.(2-year-old 作為形容詞使用)
表達3:I've got a son. He is a 2-year-old.(2-year-old 作為名詞使用)
You are the same age as me.
When I was your age
People of all ages
When you get to my age (老年人經常對年輕人說的話)
a child of his age
at your age
the age difference:the age difference has never been a problem.
over the hill:過了壯年,身體開始走下坡路了。As a professional football player, he is over the hill at the age of 35.
the wrong side of 50:50多歲(不要用來描述年輕人,小心挨打):He is on the wrong side of 50.
you don't look your age(你看起來不顯老,你看起來沒有實際年齡那麼大)
四、He is very ……for his age
當你想誇親戚家小孩非常聰明,可以說:He is very bright for his age.(就他的年齡而言,他真是聰明!)
90歲的大爺還能健步如飛,可以誇他:He is very fit for his age.
Rita 阿姨徐娘半老,風韻猶存,可以說:She looks great for her age.
14歲的小紅偷偷抹口紅,可以說:She is quite grown-up for her age.
12歲的小藍已經1米8了,可以說:He is very tall for his age.