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大連大學(Dalian University)簡稱連大(DLU),為教育部卓越教師培養計劃、國家大學生文化素質教育基地入選高校,CDIO工程教育聯盟成員單位。 曆史可以追溯到始建于1949年4月成立的大連大學,1948年3月成立的關東文法專門學校、1950年10月成立的旅大市衛生學校。1987年10月,大連大學、大連師範專科學校、大連市衛生學校三校合一,組建新的大連大學。 截至2018年3月,學校占地面積124.6萬平方米;設有25個學院,2所三級甲等附屬醫院,64個本科專業,21個一級學術碩士學位授予點;有教職工6455人(含2所附屬醫院),全日制在校生16000餘人(含研究生1000餘人)。
Dalian university
Comprehensive public general undergraduate course
Dalian University, referred to as DLU, has been selected by the Ministry of Education for the Excellent Teacher Training Program and the National College Student Cultural Quality Education Base, and is a member of CDIO Engineering Education Alliance. Its history can be traced back to Dalian University, which was founded in April 1949, Kanto Grammar School, which was established in March 1948, and Lunda City Health School, which was established in October 1950. In October 1987, Dalian University, Dalian Normal College and Dalian Municipal Health School merged to form the new Dalian University. As of March 2018, the university covers an area of 1.246 million square meters; The university has 25 colleges, 2 third-level first-class affiliated hospitals, 64 undergraduate programs and 21 first-level master's degree programs. There are 6,455 faculty members (including 2 affiliated hospitals) and more than 16,000 full-time students (including more than 1,000 postgraduates).