fall into the habit of養成習慣 break sb. of a habit使某人改掉某習慣get into the habit of沾染上…的習氣
Good habits contribute to有助于 success.
Substituting取代 artificial人造的 sweeteners 甜味劑for real sugar in coffee,tea,and soft drinks often does not help people lose weight,since it reinforces加強 the habit of enjoying sweet food.
詞根詞源:hab居住 it→居住在一個地方,習慣了→habit習慣 詞根:hab易處理,居住,恰當
It's a good habit to這是一個好習慣 wash your hands洗你的手 before eating吃 or drinking喝.
habit名詞,習慣;嗜好— habitat名詞,生活環境— habitant名詞,居住者— habitation名詞,居住— habitable形容詞,适合居住
vi si ble
考試真題:Signs标志 that make an animal讓一種動物visible to去識别 its species 它的物種also make it visible to使它識别 predators捕食性動物.
Sunlight太陽光 is a kind of 一種類型visible可見的 light光.
同義替換:apparent形容詞,顯而易見的conspicuous形容詞,顯眼的,引人注目的 clear形容詞,清晰的,明确的— clear-cut形容詞,清晰的 in view在視野範圍内,在考慮中的
詞根詞源:vis看見 ible形容詞後綴,表示能…的→visible看得見的,可見的 詞根:vis看,見 後綴:ible形容詞後綴,可…的
visit動詞,參觀,浏覽— visible形容詞,可見的,顯著地— vision名詞 ,想象— visionary名詞,有遠見的人— visbility名詞,能見度,明顯性