
 > 教育

 > 華中師範大學在職研究生


教育 更新时间:2025-03-04 06:03:35


師範類 211工程 雙一流 公辦 普通本科

華中師範大學(華中師大、華大,Central China Normal University),創建于1903年,坐落于湖北省武漢市,是中國教育部直屬重點大學,國家“雙一流”“世界一流學科”“211工程”“985工程優勢學科創新平台”重點建設院校。該校入選國家“2011計劃”“111計劃”、國家建設高水平大學公派研究生項目、國家大學生文化素質教育基地、中國政府獎學金來華留學生接收院校、教育部來華留學示範基地,是中日人文交流大學聯盟創始高校,武漢七校聯合辦學成員,國家師範生免費教育試點高校。


Central China Normal University

Normal 211 Project Double First-class Public Normal University

Central China Normal University (Central China Normal University), founded in 1903, is located in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. It is a key University directly under the administration of the Ministry of Education of China. "Double First-class", "World First-class Discipline", "211 Project" and "985 Project Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform" are the key construction universities of China. The school to be included in the national "2011 project" and "111 project", the national construction high level university professional graduate program, the national college students' cultural quality education base, the Chinese government scholarship students receiving institutions in China, the Ministry of Education demonstration base of coming to China to study abroad, is the cultural exchanges between China and Japan university alliance founding colleges, wuhan seven union school members in the school, The national pilot university for free education for normal students.

Huazhong Normal University (HNU) was founded in 1951 on the basis of the undergraduate department of Mandarin Academy (founded in 1871 and renamed as Huazhong University in 1924), the University of China (founded in 1912), and the School of Education of Zhongyuan University (founded in 1949). In 1953, it was named Central China Normal University and in 1985, it was renamed Central China Normal University.







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