烏龜的英語怎麼說?烏龜的英文是:tortoise例句:While other bugs may change color due to external circumstances like temperature, the Panamanian tortoise beetle is one of the few creatures known to control its own color changing據了解,其他小蟲可能是随着外部環境(如:氣溫)的變化而變色的,但巴拿馬龜甲蟲是可以控制自身顔色變化的少數動物之一,現在小編就來說說關于烏龜的英語怎麼說?下面内容希望能幫助到你,我們來一起看看吧!
例句:While other bugs may change color due to external circumstances like temperature, the Panamanian tortoise beetle is one of the few creatures known to control its own color changing。據了解,其他小蟲可能是随着外部環境(如:氣溫)的變化而變色的,但巴拿馬龜甲蟲是可以控制自身顔色變化的少數動物之一。
(1)bowsprit tortoise 挺胸龜。
(2)Sulcata Tortoise 蘇卡達;蘇卡達象龜。
(3)tortoise urinus 龜鞭。
(4)Agonoka Tortoise 阿加諾卡龜。
(5)tortoise jelly 龜苓膏。