Let's play jump rope. 我們玩兒跳繩吧。
Do not jump rope inside the house. 不要再家裡跳繩。
Will you go outside and jump rope? 出去跳繩去嗎?
I will try to jump ten times. 我要跳10次。
Can you count how many jumps I can do? 你能幫我數一下我跳了幾下嗎?
Oops, you got caught on the rope. 你被繩子絆住了。
It keeps getting caught on my foot. 跳繩一直絆我腳。
Yesterday you jumped 3 times, and today you did 5 times. 昨天你跳了3次,今天你跳了5次。
You should not wear slippers when you are jumping rope. 跳繩的時候不能穿拖鞋哦。
Let's trying jumping on one foot. 我們試着用一隻腳跳繩吧。
I can jump rope while running. 我能跑着跳繩。
My stomach hurts after jumping rope. 跳完繩後我肚子疼。
Mom and Dad will turn the rope, you go in and jump. 爸爸媽媽來搖繩子,你進去跳。