
 > 生活

 > 年輕人是不是不能吃人參


生活 更新时间:2025-03-31 10:04:18

年輕人是不是不能吃人參? I remember when I was working in a Taobao company, I would talk to the cousin of the company owner. Because they are both young people, so there are many topics of interest. Once when talking about medicinal herbs, he said that many of his family members ate ginseng, and many of them lived to be more than 100 years old before they died. Later, I read a news report that Japanese people like to eat panax notoginseng. Another name of panax notoginseng is blood ginseng, which is also a kind of ginseng. Japanese people also live longer because they eat panax notoginseng. It seems that regardless of the ingredients and effects of ginseng, the evidence shows that eating the ginseng plant can prolong your life. However, eating ginseng plants is also taboo, it is best to consult the people who understand. 記得我在一家淘寶公司工作時,和公司老闆的表弟會講講話因為都是年輕人,所以一樣有興趣的話題蠻多的有一次談藥材,他說他的家裡人吃人參,好多活到一百多歲才死去後來,我看新聞報道說,日本人喜歡吃三七,三七的另一個名字是血參,也是人參的一種因為吃三七,日本人的壽命也變長了看來不用看人參的成份和功效,現實證據就告訴我們吃人參類植物是能延長壽命的但是,吃人參類植物也是有禁忌的,最好咨詢懂的人,現在小編就來說說關于年輕人是不是不能吃人參?下面内容希望能幫助到你,我們來一起看看吧!



I remember when I was working in a Taobao company, I would talk to the cousin of the company owner. Because they are both young people, so there are many topics of interest. Once when talking about medicinal herbs, he said that many of his family members ate ginseng, and many of them lived to be more than 100 years old before they died. Later, I read a news report that Japanese people like to eat panax notoginseng. Another name of panax notoginseng is blood ginseng, which is also a kind of ginseng. Japanese people also live longer because they eat panax notoginseng. It seems that regardless of the ingredients and effects of ginseng, the evidence shows that eating the ginseng plant can prolong your life. However, eating ginseng plants is also taboo, it is best to consult the people who understand. 記得我在一家淘寶公司工作時,和公司老闆的表弟會講講話。因為都是年輕人,所以一樣有興趣的話題蠻多的。有一次談藥材,他說他的家裡人吃人參,好多活到一百多歲才死去。後來,我看新聞報道說,日本人喜歡吃三七,三七的另一個名字是血參,也是人參的一種。因為吃三七,日本人的壽命也變長了。看來不用看人參的成份和功效,現實證據就告訴我們吃人參類植物是能延長壽命的。但是,吃人參類植物也是有禁忌的,最好咨詢懂的人。







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