A customer has her face scanned by a facial recognition system to pay for her purchase at a store in the century-old neighboring streets, Wuma Street and Chan Street, in Wenzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, on Jan 16, 2019. [Photo/IC]
A poll ran by news portal Sina Technology showed that more than 60% of respondents think they look uglier through the next-gen payments method than on a regular camera. 新浪科技的一項調查顯示,60%以上的用戶表示刷臉支付時覺得自己醜,沒有平時拍照好看。
On Tuesday, Alipay announced on social media platform Weibo that it has added beauty Filters to its face-scanning system inside the app. Within a week, the feature will roll out across retail stores equipped with Alipay’s face-scanning solutions. 7月2日,支付寶在微博上回應稱,支付寶刷臉系統已加入美顔功能,一周内,全國門店的刷臉系統也會上線美顔功能。
Filter這個詞可以用作動詞或名詞,基礎的意思是“過濾;過濾器”,在智能手機和社交媒體領域則表示可以給照片額外添加各種效果和美化功能的“濾鏡”,比如,cat filter(貓咪濾鏡)、color correction filter(顔色修正濾鏡)等。在搜索引擎中常用的“關鍵詞過濾”則是keywords filter。
支付寶同時解釋稱,實際上機器識别的還是無美顔的容貌,美顔隻是屏幕展示效果而已(the beauty filters are for the screen display only),因此對識别準确度和安全性沒有影響(accuracy and security of the recognition process won't be compromised)。
北京、上海、廣州、鄭州、太原、武漢、南昌、西安、長沙等地部分火車站已采用"刷臉"進站(face-scanning check-in)。這些車站的自動檢票機(automatic fare-collection gate)上都安裝了攝像頭,旅客走近機器時,它會抓取旅客臉部信息(facial information),與身份證芯片裡的照片進行比對,票證信息相符(ticket information conforms to ID card information)、人臉與證件照比對通過,閘機自動放行。通常3至6秒便能成功通行,解放了人力也方便了旅客。"刷臉"進站采用人臉識别技術(facial recognition technology),這是基于人的臉部特征(facial features)進行身份識别(identity recognition)的一種生物識别技術(biological recognition technology)。
每部“人臉識别廁紙機”(facial-scanning toilet paper dispenser)可以調節取紙時間,現在設置了同一個人每隔九分鐘取一次紙(nine minutes of time interval for every dispensing),每次出紙長度為60-70公分,并由原來的單層紙改成了雙層紙,符合普通人如廁一般用紙需求。
虛拟現實 virtual reality, VR
面部識别 facial recognition
移動支付 mobile payment
物聯網 Internet of Things
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)