gogohands a look at the world, take you to see the whole world
項目名稱 Project Name –多多洛村·朝陽MIX島
項目地點 Location –
項目面積 Area –400㎡
完工時間 Project Year – 2022.08
▼項目平面圖,Plan ©DAGA Architects
▼軸測圖,Axon ©DAGA Architects
現場實景Live action
▼從外部遠觀咖啡館, View from the outside to the cafe ©UK STUDIO
▼入口處标志性的石牆,The iconic stone wall at the entrance ©UK STUDIO
▼小院全景,Panoramic view of the yard ©UK STUDIO
▼俯瞰小院,Overlook the yard ©UK STUDIO
▼從入口處望向室内木屋空間,View from the entrance to the inside wooden house ©UK STUDIO
▼仿古建的木屋結構, An antique wooden house structure ©UK STUDIO
▼從石牆外遠眺項目,Overlook the project from the stone wall ©UK STUDIO
▼以鵝卵石鋪地的庭院, A cobblestone courtyard ©UK STUDIO
▼室内座位區, Indoor seating area ©UK STUDIO
▼木制的家具、天花與金屬酒櫃形成和諧的反差,The wooden fuenitures, ceilings contrasts harmoniously with metal wine cabinets ©UK STUDIO
▼參考火車的開窗方式為空間設置大開窗,Large windows are set for the space in reference to the train’s window opening ©UK STUDIO
▼開敞玻璃門窗為室内引入了充足的光線,The open windows bring sufficient light inside ©UK STUDIO
▼傍晚的小院,The courtyard at night ©UK STUDIO
▼項目夜景,Project night view ©UK STUDIO