"Sting"作為名詞時表示“刺痛,刺毛”的意思,而“a sting in the tail”除了按照字面意思翻譯為“尾巴裡的刺”,在口語中還有更廣泛的用法,我們先來看幾個例子。
"We had a great holiday but it had a sting in the tail – when we got home we discovered our house had been broken into." “這個假期棒極了,除了意外的結局 - 我們到家時發現房子被人破門而入了。”
"I love her new book – the story is funny and romantic – but there's a sting in the tail when someone dies." “她這本新書棒極了,又有趣又浪漫,然而意外的是結局時竟然有人死了。”
"Yeah, we all got a pay rise this month, but there's a sting in the tail – we're expected to work longer hours." “耶,我們這個月漲薪了,但意外的是需要工作更長時間了。”
大家看出來了吧,結合語境"a sting in the tail"在口語中更多表達的是"something unpleasant and sometimes unexpected happens when doing something good or fun",這個來自于蠍子這種很小而且看起來比較無害的生物,尾巴上卻有一根有毒的"sting",象征着看起來很美好的東西,卻有一個很意外的結局。