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 > 牛津譯林版中考如何總複習


教育 更新时间:2024-07-24 07:15:54

  目 錄初一年級7A,今天小編就來聊一聊關于牛津譯林版中考如何總複習?接下來我們就一起去研究一下吧!


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  Unit 1—3

  1、重點詞組 ……………………………………………………………… 3

  2、語法精講 ……………………………………………………………… 4

  3、典例解析 ……………………………………………………………… 9

  4、綜合練習(A) ……………………………………………………………… 11

  綜合練習 ( B) ……………………………………………………………… 15

  Unit 4—6

  1、重點詞組 ……………………………………………………………… 19

  2、語法精講 ……………………………………………………………… 20

  3、典例解析 ……………………………………………………………… 25

  4、綜合練習(A) ……………………………………………………………… 27

  綜合練習 ( B) ……………………………………………………………… 32

  初一年級 7B

  Unit 1—2

  1、重點詞組 ……………………………………………………………… 37

  2、語法精講 ……………………………………………………………… 38

  3、典例解析 ……………………………………………………………… 41

  4、綜合練習(A) ……………………………………………………………… 43

  綜合練習 ( B) ……………………………………………………………… 47

  Unit 3— 4

  1、重點詞組 ……………………………………………………………… 51

  2、語法精講 ……………………………………………………………… 53

  3、典例解析 ……………………………………………………………… 57

  4、綜合練習(A) ……………………………………………………………… 58

  綜合練習 ( B) ……………………………………………………………… 61

  Unit 5—6

  1、重點詞組 ……………………………………………………………… 65

  2、語法精講 ……………………………………………………………… 67

  3、典例解析 ……………………………………………………………… 69

  4、綜合練習(A) ……………………………………………………………… 70

  綜合練習 ( B) ……………………………………………………………… 73

  初二年級 8A

  Unit 1—3

  1、重點詞組 ……………………………………………………………… 78

  2、語法精講 ……………………………………………………………… 79

  3、典例解析 ……………………………………………………………… 84

  4、綜合練習(A) ……………………………………………………………… 86

  綜合練習 ( B) ……………………………………………………………… 91

  Unit 4—6

  1、重點詞組 ……………………………………………………………… 96

  2、語法精講 ……………………………………………………………… 97

  3、典例解析 ……………………………………………………………… 105

  4、綜合練習(A) ……………………………………………………………… 107

  綜合練習 ( B) ……………………………………………………………… 112

  初二年級 8B

  Unit 1—3

  1、重點詞組 ……………………………………………………………… 118

  2、語法精講 ……………………………………………………………… 118

  3、典例解析 ……………………………………………………………… 123

  4、綜合練習(A) ……………………………………………………………… 125

  綜合練習 ( B) ……………………………………………………………… 130

  Unit 4—6

  1、重點詞組 ……………………………………………………………… 134

  2、語法精講 ……………………………………………………………… 135

  3、典例解析 ……………………………………………………………… 140

  4、綜合練習(A) ……………………………………………………………… 142

  綜合練習 ( B) ……………………………………………………………… 146

  答 案


  Unit 1---3

  重 點 詞 組

  football field 足球場 World Cup 世界杯

  lots of friends 許多朋友 be born 出生

  after school 放學後 wake up 醒醒

  work hard 努力工作 wear glasses 戴眼鏡

  love dancing 愛跳舞 football player 足球運動員

  badminton court 羽毛球場 swimming pool 遊泳池

  English club 英語俱樂部 at lunchtime 在午飯時間

  take the bus 乘公共汽車 at the weekend 在周末

  look happy 看上去高興 have a good time 過得愉快

  do morning exercises 做早操 make model planes 做模型飛機

  the sharp teeth 鋒利的牙齒 Dragon Boat Festival 端午節

  Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋節 Chinese New Year 春節

  be good at swimming 擅長遊泳 twice a week 一周兩次

  walk her dog 遛她的狗 at the volleyball court 在排球場

  meet up with… 與……約好見面 knock on the door 敲門

  cut out 割出(某個形狀) have fun 有樂趣

  rice dumplings 粽子 play a trick on them 捉弄他們

  red packets 紅包 take my dog for a walk 帶狗去散步

  like listening to music 喜歡聽音樂 play for 為……踢球

  have lessons 上課 have breakfast 吃早飯

  in winter 在冬天 listen to the radio 聽收音機

  on October 1st 在10月1日 at Christmas 在聖誕節

  dress up as a ghost 裝扮成一個鬼 lion dance 獅子舞

  go running for half an hour跑半個小時

  spend…(in)doing… 花(時間或金錢)幹某事

  enjoy playing computer games 喜歡玩電腦遊戲

  give us some candy as a treat 用一些糖果招待我們

  a member of the Swimming Club 遊泳俱樂部的一位成員

  watch football matches on TV 觀看電視裡的足球賽

  know a lot about computers 知道許多有關電腦(的知識)

  on the evening of October 31st 在10月31日的晚上

  make lanterns out oranges 用橘子做出燈籠

  shine through the eyes 透過眼睛閃爍着

  on the other side of the flash card 在幻燈卡的另一面

  give them a treat of some candy 用一些糖果招待他們

  look forward to something / doing something 期盼某事/ 期盼做某事

  語 法 精 講




  A. 多數動詞後面加s。 如 eat—eats, play—plays, swim—swims, walk—walks。

  B. 以字母o, s, x, ch, sh 結尾的動詞後面加es。

  如 do—does, go—goes, guess—guess, fix—fixes, teach—teaches, push—pushes。

  C. 末尾為-y的動詞分兩種情況:

  a. 若-y前為輔音字母時,則将-y變為-i,再加-es。

  如 study—studies, fly—flies, cry—cries。(-y前分别為輔音字母d, l, r。)

  b. 如-y 前為元音字母時,則-y 不變,直接在-y後面加-s。元音字母共五個。它們是a, e, I, o, u。

  如 say—says, buy—buys, enjoy—enjoys。(-y前分别為元音字母a, u, o。)

  2) 一般現在時所表達的含義

  A. 永恒的真理或事實。

  The sun comes out from the east. 太陽從東方升起。

  Light travels faster than sound. 光速比聲速快。

  Cats eat fish. 貓吃魚。

  表述“現在時段”。“一般現在時可用以陳述現在時段内發生或存在的事件、動作或情況。這些事件、動作或情景說不定會無限地延續下去。但實際上, 我們的意思則是在說“這是現在存在着的狀況”。“ My hair is very long. 我的頭發很長。

  Millie lives in Beijing. Millie住在北京。

  His parents work in a supermarket. 他的父母親在一家超市裡工作。

  B. 有規律發生的動作

  一般現在時可用來表示習慣性動作,也就是指不斷重複的事情。這種用法通常可與表示時間的副詞或詞組伴随使用,如:often, always, usually, sometimes,seldom, every day。

  He gets to his company at half past eight every day. 他每天八點半到公司。

  Simon always plays football after school. 西蒙放學後經常踢足球。

  At the weekend, I usually go running for half an hour. 周末我通常跑步半小時。

  Sometimes my mother flies a kite with me in the park.




  A. 人稱代詞分為主格和賓格兩種形式。如果是作句子主語成分的人稱代詞就必須使用主格形式;如果是作句子賓語成分的人稱代詞就必須使用賓格形式。還有,在介詞後面必須使用賓格形式。

  如:She likes her dog. She often walks him. 她喜歡她的狗。她經常帶他遛遛。(she是主格,him是賓格。)

  Where are they? I can’t find them. 他們在哪裡?我找不到他們。(they、I是主格, them是賓格)

  Don’t worry about me! I can look after it well. 别為我擔心。我可以照看好它的。(about和after是介詞,me和it是賓格。)

  B. 習慣順序

  如果主語是幾個并列的人稱代詞時,習慣順序是:we, you and they;you, he / she and I。

  You, he and I are classmates. 你、我、他是同班同學。

  C. 中性代詞it的用法


  如:I have a lovely cat. I like it very much. 我有一隻可愛的貓。我非常喜歡它。(it指動物)

  English is very useful. It is my favourite subject. 英語很有用。它是我最喜愛的學科。(it指事物)

  It is about five kilometers from here. 離這兒大約五公裡。(it指距離)

  It’s 9:00pm. I must go. 現在晚上九點了。我必須走了。(it指時間)

  How windy it is today! 今天風多大啊!(it指天氣)


  弄不清嬰兒或小孩性别時:What a lovely baby it is! 多麼可愛的寶寶啊!

  看不見對方時:--- There’s a knock on the door. Go and see who it is. --- It’s Jim.

  --- 有人敲門。去看看是誰。 --- 是吉姆。

  (ring!)--- Hello! Who is it? --- It’s Mary speaking. ---喂,誰呀?---是瑪莉。

  照片或圖片中的人物:--- Who’s the little boy? --- It’s me. 那小男孩是誰?--- 是我。


  物主代詞可分為形容詞性物主代詞和名詞性物主代詞兩種形式。形容詞性物主代詞具有形容詞的作用,隻能作定語,後面必須要跟上一個名詞;而名詞性物主代詞則具有名詞的作用,可在句中作主語、表語或賓語。換言之,名詞性物主代詞=形容詞性物主代詞 名詞。

  如:The red one is her car. Mine is the blue one. 紅色的那輛是她的車。我的是那輛蘭色的。(mine = my car, 且在句中作主語。)

  I don’t want their answers. Tell me yours. 我不要他們的答案。告訴我你的答案。

  (yours = your answer, 且在句中作賓語。)

  3. Some dogs just don’t know how to have fun. 一些狗就是不懂怎麼玩。

  1)在此句中“how to have fun” 是know的賓語。“疑問詞 to do”形“所表達的含義相當于一個名詞,因此,它可充當句子的主語成分或是賓語成分。

  如:Where to look for the lost boy is still a big problem now. (作主語)


  We are talking about which book to buy first. (作賓語) 我們在談論先買哪本書。

  2)“have fun”的“思是“嬉戲”、“娛樂”。“un 是不可數名詞,也可作定語,意為“有趣”、“逗笑”。“: We had lots of fun at the party today! 我們今天在聚會上玩得很開心!

  It is a fun hat. 它是頂可笑的帽子。

  4.My favourite lessons are Chinese and English.我最喜歡的課程是語文和英語。

  Favourite 是形容詞,意為“最喜歡的”。“可以和“like……best”的形式替換。

  如:What’s his favourite colour? His favourite colour is blue. 可轉換為

  What colour does he like best? He likes blue best. 他最喜歡什麼顔色?他最喜歡蘭色。

  5. Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week. 米莉一星期去讀書會兩次。

  twice a week 意思是“一周兩次”。“是用來表示“頻率”的“語,其中,twice 表示“兩次、兩倍”,“once 表示“一次、一倍”,“次或三倍以上用time表示。

  如:Please take the pills three times a day. 請一天服用三次這種藥丸。

  How often do they go back to their hometown? Once a year.


  Now my schoolbag is twice as heavy as it was. 現在我的書包的重量是以前的兩倍。

  6.He teaches us English. 他教我們英語。

  teach somebody something 意思是“教某人某事”;“teach somebody to do something 意思是“教某人幹某事”。“中的somebody是賓格形式,不是形容詞性物主代詞。

  如:The man under the tree teaches them P.E. 樹下的那個人教他們體育。

  Could you teach me to drive a car? 你能教我開車嗎?

  7.Do you have any money? No, I don’t have any money.



  如:Are there any eggs in the basket? Yes, there are some. 籃子裡有雞蛋嗎?是的,有一些。

  I only bought some drinks. I don’t buy any food. 我隻買了些飲料,沒買食物。

  Would you like some snacks? Yes, please. 你要些小吃嗎?好的。(提問者希望對方接受他的建議。)

  Could you give me some paper? 你能給我一些紙嗎?(提問者希望對方給他紙。)

  8.Every day except Monday. 除了星期一,每天(都開放)。

  except 意思是“除了……之外”,“介詞。

  如:Everyone except me goes to school by bike. 除了我之外,所有的人都是騎車上學的。

  We can see all the colures in this picture except grey. 除了灰色,我們能在這幅畫裡看到所有的顔色。

  另外,except和besides雖都解釋為“除了……之外”,“except是将緊跟其後的賓語“排除在外”,“besides則将賓語内容“包含在内”。“ 如:We all have finished homework except him. 除了他之外,我們都已經完成了回家作業。(他還沒有完成。)

  We all have finished homework besides him. 除了他以外,我們大家也已經完成了回家作業。(他也完成了。)

  9.Thank you for organizing the class trip. 謝謝你組織這次班級旅行。

  Thank somebody for doing something 意思是“感謝某人做某事”。“詞for後的動詞要使用-ing形式。

  如:Thank you for showing me the way to school. 謝謝你指給我看去學校的路。


  如:Nick is good at singing.尼克擅長唱歌。 It’s time for playing games. 到做遊戲的時候了。

  I spent five minutes in drawing a dog. 我花了5分鐘畫了隻狗。

  The kids look forward to eating ice cream. 孩子們盼望着吃冰激淩。

  You can drink it without getting fat. 你喝了它不會發胖。

  10.We would like to go to Beijing Zoo in Xicheng District.


  would like something 意思是“想要某物”,““want something”;“ould like to do something意思是“想要幹某事”,““want to do something”。“如:I would like a cup of tea. = I want a cup of tea. 我想要杯茶。

  Would you like to go with me? = Do you want to go with me? 你想和我一起去嗎?

  注意:would like to do something 與 like doing / like to do something (喜歡幹某事)不要混淆。

  如:I’d like to watch English movies. 我想要看英語影片。

  I like to watch English movies. 我喜歡看英語影片。

  11.I’m going to see the doctor at three o’clock in the afternoon on 12th October.





  at 10 o’clock , at four thirty


  at lunchtime, at coffee time, at dinner time


  at Christmas, at Halloween


  at 16, at the age of 35


  at noon, at night, at midnight, at the weekend



  on Sunday, on Friday afternoon, on October 4th, on your birthday, on Christmas Day, on that evening, on the evening of July 1st, on a cold morning



  in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening


  in May, in winter, in 2005, in the 21st century,


  in five minutes, in ten days, in three weeks,

  12.What do you think of your new school? 你認為你的新學校怎麼樣?

  What…think of … 意思是“認為……怎麼樣?”相“的表達方式還有“How…like…”。“如:What do you think of her new novel? 你認為她的新小說怎麼樣?

  How do you like my new dress? 你認為我的新裙子怎麼樣?

  注意:What…think of… 雖解釋為“認為……怎麼樣?”,“疑問詞是what,而不是how。

  13.Could you tell me the answer to number two? 你能告訴我第二題的答案嗎?

  the answer to… 的意思是“……的答案”。“詞to的含義是“的”,“用介詞of。類似的短語還有the key to … ……鑰匙;the way to … 去……的路;the ticket to … ……的票。

  14. Is it time for breakfast? 是吃早飯的時間了嗎?

  It’s my first time to see it and I am very excited.


  It is time for something / It is time to do something 意為 “是做某事的時候了”。“ It is time for somebody to do something. 意為“是某人該幹某事的時候了”。“ Is it time for breakfast? 也可轉換成 Is it time for having breakfast? 或Is it time to have breakfast?

  如:It is time to play tennis. 可轉換成 It is time for tennis. 或 It is time for playing tennis.

  It is time for us to play tennis. 到我們打網球的時候了。

  It’s time for me to change now. 是我該改變的時候了。

  而It is one’s first/second time to do something 意為“是某人第幾次幹某事了。”

  “:It’s my first time to see it. 這是我第一次看見它。

  It is his third time to make the same mistake. 這是他第三次犯同樣的錯誤了。

  15.Can I borrow your pen? 我能借你的鋼筆嗎?

  borrow意為“借進……”,“用的短語是borrow ..from … ;lend 意為“借出……”,“用的短語是lend … to …。

  如:My friend borrowed a book from the library yesterday. 昨天我朋友從圖書館裡借了本書。(對于主語my friend來說是借進。)

  Could you lend some money to me? = Could you lend me some money? 你能借我些錢嗎?(對于主語you來說是借出。)

  16. I’m dressing up as a ghost. 我正在裝扮成一個鬼。

  dress up as … 的意思是“喬裝打扮成……”;“ress up in … 的意思是“用……喬裝打扮”;“ress somebody 的意思是“給某人穿衣服”;“ress oneself 的意思是“自己穿衣服”。“ 如:I’ll dress up as Monkey King. 我要裝扮成猴王。

  She dressed up in red / red clothes this Tuesday. 本周二她穿了紅衣服。

  She has to dress her baby every morning. 她不得不每天早晨給她的寶寶穿衣服。

  Look! Kate can dress herself now. 瞧!現在凱特可以自己穿衣服了。

  17.Usually, they give us some candy as a treat. 通常他們用糖果招待我們。

   The neighbours usually give them a treat of some candy.


  give somebody something as a treat與give somebody a treat of something都解釋為“用某物招待某人”。“此,“they give us some candy as treat.”等“于“they give us of a treat of some candy.”。“此外,as也有許多含義:好像(某人);當作、作為;作為(某種身份);當……的時候;由于;按照;as … as … 意為“和……一樣”。“如:He dressed as a policeman. 他穿得像個警察。

  I treat her as my good friend. 我把她當作好朋友。

  As a student, you should get to school on time. 作為一名學生,你應該按時到校。

  We watched TV as he cooked dinner. 他燒飯的時候,我們在看電視。

  As they were very hungry, they ate up all the food very soon. 由于很餓,他們很快吃光了所有的食物。

  Do it as the teacher says. 按照老師說的做。

  The boy is as tall as his father. 那男孩和他的父親一樣高。

  I found the same book as hers. 我找到了和她的(書)一樣的書。

  典 例 解 析

  1._________ your mother at home now?

  A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are


  題中的句子無動詞。而答案A和B均為助動詞,不能獨立使用,必須後接實意動詞。答案D“are”用“第二人稱或複數主語形式,而“your mother”是第三人稱單數形式,因此要選用答案C“is”。“







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