Cross Section of a Wing
Mean Camber Line
Slice the wing exactly in half, the mean camber line is the precise center of the wing thickness.
Any point on the mean camber line, the top slice equals to the button slice.
Leading Edge
The point on the front-end of the mean camber line of the wing.
Trailing edge
The point on the rear-end of the mean camber line of the wing.
Chord Line
When you join the trailing edge and leading edge. You will get the chord line.
Relative Airflow
The direction of the air movement relative to the wing.
AoA(Angle of Attack)
The angle between the chord line and the relative airflow.
The aircraft speed relative to the airflow.
因為實際的大氣密度難以測量,所以難以使用TAS計算升力。忽略位置誤差(Position Error),低速飛機使用IAS計算升力時所采用的密度也應是所在飛行高度于國際标準大氣表中的密度。
Wing Surface Area
Air density
More molecules equal higher density.
Lift formula
Lift equals to half of the coefficient of lift multiplying air density, square of airspeed and wing surface area.
飛機平飛時(升力恒定),若要低速飛行(Slow Flight)就需要增加飛機的迎角,補償速度對升力的減少量。
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