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高考英語單詞句子訓練?31.agree /ə̍ɡriː/ v. 同意,贊成,一緻 (反:disagree),我來為大家講解一下關于高考英語單詞句子訓練?跟着小編一起來看一看吧!



31.agree /ə̍ɡriː/ v. 同意,贊成,一緻 (反:disagree)

考點鍊接agree on/about 就……達成一緻(後接表具體協議的文件、計劃、行動的詞)

agree to sth.同意(提議、辦法、計劃)

agree to do sth.同意做某事

agree to sb.’s doing sth.同意某人做某事

agree with sb.同意(某人的意見),贊成;(氣候、食物)适合(某人)

agree with sth.同意,贊成;(與某物)相一緻,相吻合

派agreement n. (意見等)一緻,同意;協定,合同

disagreement n. 不同意

in agreement with同意,與……一緻

reach/come to/arrive at/make an agreement with 與……達成協議

助記agree v. 同意→disagree v. 不同意→agreement n. 一緻,同意→disagreement n.不同意

32.agriculture /̍æɡrIkʌltʃə/ n. 農業,農學,農藝

the modernization of agriculture農業現代化

agriculture and industry工農業

派agricultural adj. 農業的

agricultural products農作物,農産品

agricultural development農業的發展

agricultural policy農業政策

拓展industry n. 工業→industrial adj. 工業的

33.ahead /ə̍hed/ adv. 在前,向前;預先

(2018·全國Ⅱ)Exercising makes you more awake and ready to handle whatever is ahead of you for the day.鍛煉使你更加清醒,并準備好應付你今天所面臨的一切。

考點鍊接ahead of在……之前,提前

ahead of time/schedule 提前

get ahead of超越……;領先

go ahead前進;請吧,用吧

34.aid /eId/ n. 幫助,救助;助手,輔助物 ‖v. 幫助,援助 (同:support,help)

考點鍊接aid sb. in/with sth.為某事幫助某人

aid business在事業上幫助某人

aid sb.with money在金錢上幫助某人

by/with the aid of 借助于……

come to one’s aid來幫助某人

first aid急救

give aid to給……提供幫助

A dictionary is an important aid in learning a new language.


拓展AIDS /eIdz/ n. 艾滋病

35.aim /eIm/ n. 瞄準;目标,目的 ‖v.瞄準;對準;目的在于

考點鍊接achieve one’s aim達到目的

aim high志向崇高;力争上遊

aim at瞄準……,目的在于……

aim for以……為目的;針對

be aimed to do/aim to do sth.旨在做……

be aimed at目标是;目的是

miss one’s aim 達不到目的

take aim at瞄準……

with the aim of以……為目标;其目的是為了

without aim無目的

派aimless adj.無目的的→aimlessly adv.無目的地

(2017·北京)Jane moved aimlessly down the tree-lined street,not knowing where she was heading.


36.air /eə/ n. 空氣,天空

考點鍊接air conditioning空調系統;空調設備

air pollution空氣污染

by air乘飛機

fresh air新鮮空氣

in the air 在空中;(計劃等)未定的

in the open air在戶外

on the air在廣播中

熟詞生義n.樣子,神态,氣氛 ‖v. 抒發;傾訴;傳播

Don’t air your troubles too often.不要經常發牢騷。

There was a comfortable air about her room.


拓展airline n. 航空公司;航線

37.alarm /ə̍lɑːm/ n. 鬧鐘;警報;驚恐 ‖vt.使驚恐,向……報警

考點鍊接alarm clock鬧鐘

give/raise/sound the alarm 發警報,敲警鐘

get alarmed驚恐

the fire alarm火警

This news fills me with alarm.


38.album /̍ælbəm/ n. 相冊,粘貼簿

考點鍊接a stamp album集郵簿

a photograph album相冊

39.alcohol /̍ælkəhɒl/ n. 酒精

考點鍊接an alcohol lamp酒精燈

an alcohol drink含酒精的飲料

drinking alcohol食用酒精

One possibility is that he died from alcohol poisoning.


40.alike /ə̍laIk/ adj.(作表語)相同的,相像的‖adv.一樣地,相似地

考點鍊接think alike有同樣想法;英雄所見略同

be much alike非常像

treat everybody exactly alike一視同仁

Great minds think alike.(諺)英雄所見略同。

拓展其他常見以a-開頭的形容詞:asleep 睡着的;afraid 害怕的;awake 醒着的;alone 單獨的;aware 明白的;ashamed 害羞的






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