They sent their children to private schools. 他們送孩子們上私立學校。
He doesn't respect other people's right to privacy. 他不尊重别人的隐私權。
He arrogated the privilege to himself alone. 他隻為自己撈取特權。
They are only interested in preserving the power of the privileged and the well off. 他們隻對保護特權階層和富人的權力感興趣。
It is betraying the public's will to deprive animals of their lives casually and brutally. 任意地殘害剝奪動物的生命,是為大衆所不容的。
15. -logy →論,學;語言,文字(詞根詞綴記單詞 例句)
16.sol- →one一,太陽(詞根詞綴記單詞 例句)
17. prim- →first最初,首要,第一(詞根詞綴記單詞 例句)