詞根LOG來源于希臘語詞彙logos "speech or reason", logue為log的詞尾拼寫形式(異形詞根), 另外log常和y結合 logy 一般表示術語後綴 比如 1. tautology 語言特色, 2. sociology 研究對象 3. trilogy 論述過程. From PIE *log-o-, suffixed form of root *leg(1).
logic ['lɑdʒɪk] n. 邏輯;邏輯學;邏輯性 adj. 邏輯的⊙ CET6 TEM4 IELTS TOEFL 考 研⊙拆: log(reason) ic(the art of...學) -> 邏輯學⊙拓展logical ['lɑdʒɪkl] adj. 合邏輯的,合理的;邏輯學的logician [lə'dʒɪʃən] n. 邏輯學家;論理學者⊙詞源
logic (n.)mid-14c., "branch of philosophy that treats of forms of thinking," from Old French logique (13c.), from Latin (ars) logica, from Greek logike (techne) "reasoning (art)," from fem. of logikos "pertaining to speaking or reasoning," from logos "reason, idea, word" (see logos). Meaning "logical argumentation" is from c. 1600.
apology [ə'pɑlədʒi] n. 道歉;謝罪;辯護;勉強的替代物⊙ CET6 TEM4 TOEFL 考 研⊙拆: apo(off, away) log(speech) y -> 原意指的是逃離懲罰的演講 -> 自我辯護 -> 後來引申為 辯解, 道歉等含義⊙拓展apologize [ə'pɑlədʒaɪz] vi. 道歉;辯解;賠不是 vt. 道歉;謝罪;辯白apologetic [ə,pɑlə'dʒɛtɪk] adj. 道歉的;賠罪的apologia [,æpə'lodʒɪə] n. 辯解書;辯解文;辯解⊙詞源
apology (n.)early 15c., "defense, justification," from Late Latin apologia, from Greek apologia "a speech in defense," from apologeisthai "to speak in one's defense," from apologos "an account, story," from apo- "from, off" (see apo-) logos "speech" (see lecture (n.)).
eulogy ['jʊlədʒi] n. 悼詞;頌詞;頌揚;贊詞⊙ GRE TEM8⊙拆: eu(good) log(speech) y -> 講好話 -> 贊頌; 頌揚⊙拓展eulogistic [,juːlə'dʒɪstɪk] adj. 頌揚的;歌功頌德的⊙詞源
eulogy (n.)mid-15c., from Latin eulogium, from Greek eulogia "praise; good or fine language" (in New Testament, "blessing"), from eu "well" (see eu-) -logia "speaking" (see -logy). Eu legein meant "speak well of."
dialogue ['daɪəlɑɡ] n. 對話;意見交換 vi. 對話 vt. 用對話表達⊙ CET4 TEM4 TOEFL ⊙拆: dia(between) logue(speech)->speeches between two people -> 兩人之間的談話⊙拓展dialogic [,daɪə'lɑdʒɪk] adj. 對話的dialogist [daɪ'ælədʒɪst] n. 對話者,問答者;對話體的作者⊙詞源
dialogue (n.)early 13c., "literary work consisting of a conversation between two or more persons," from Old French dialoge, from Latin dialogus, from Greek dialogos "conversation, dialogue," related to dialogesthai "converse," from dia- "across" (see dia-) legein "speak" (see lecture (n.)).
prologue ['prolɔɡ] n. 開場白;序言 vt. 加上…前言;為…作序⊙ GRE TEM4 IELTS⊙拆: pro(before) logue(speech) -> 在之前/一開始需要表達的 -> 開場白/序言⊙詞源
prologue (n.)early 14c., from Old French prologue (12c.) and directly from Latin prologus, from Greek prologos "preface to a play, speaker of a prologue," literally "a speech beforehand," from pro- "before" (see pro-) logos "discourse, speech," from legein "to speak" (see lecture (n.)).
epilogue ['ɛpɪlɔɡ] n. 結語,收場白;尾聲,後記⊙ GRE TEM8⊙拆: epi(after) logue(speech) -> 在最後應該說的/表達的 -> 尾聲; 收場白 反義詞 prologue ⊙ 詞源
epilogue (n.)early 15c., from Middle French epilogue (13c.), from Latin epilogus, from Greek epilogos "a conclusion, conclusion of a speech, inference," from epi "upon, in addition" (see epi-) logos "a speaking" (see lecture (n.)).
philology [fɪ'lɑlədʒi] n. 文獻學;語言學⊙ GRE TOEFL ⊙拆: phil(to love) o log(speech) y -> the art/skill for people who love good speech -> 語言學⊙拓展philologic adj. 語言學的;語文學的⊙詞源
philology (n.)late 14c., "love of learning," from Latin philologia "love of learning, love of letters, love of study, literary culture," from Greek philologia "love of discussion, learning, and literature; studiousness," from philo- "loving" (see philo-) logos "word, speech" (see logos).
tautology [tɔ'tɑlədʒi] n. 同義反複;無謂的重複⊙拆: tauto(the same) logy(the character of speech重複說同樣意思的語言特點)->累述⊙拓展tautological [,tɔːtə'lɒdʒɪkəl] adj. 贅述的;同義反複的;類語疊用的 GRE ⊙詞源
tautology (n.)1570s, from Late Latin tautologia "representation of the same thing in other words," from Greek tautologia, from tautologos "repeating what has been said," from tauto "the same" (contraction of to auto, with to "the" auto, see auto-) -logos "saying," related to legein "to say" (see lecture (n.)). Related: Tautological.
sociology [,sosɪ'ɑlədʒi] n. 社會學;群體生态學⊙ CET6 TEM4 IELTS 考 研⊙拆: socio(social社會的) logy(the study of) -> 社會學⊙拓展sociological [,sosiə'lɑdʒɪkəl] adj. 社會的(等于sociologic);社會學的;針對社會問題的sociologist [,sosɪ'ɑlədʒɪst] n. 社會學家⊙詞源
sociology (n.)the science of social phenomena, 1842, from French sociologie, a hybrid coined 1830 by French philosopher Isidore Auguste Comte (1798-1857), from Latin socius "associate" (see social (adj.)) Greek-derived suffix -logie (see -logy).
trilogy ['trɪlədʒi] n. 三部曲;三部劇⊙ GRE TEM8 TOEFL⊙拆: tri(three) logy(sppech) -> 三部分的叙述 -> 三部曲⊙詞源
trilogy (n.)series of three related works, 1660s, from Greek trilogia "series of three related tragedies performed at Athens at the festival of Dionysus," from tri- "three" (see three) logos "story" (see logos).
壹 句
Perfection has no place in love.