
 > 生活

 > 三年級人教版英語教案第三單元


生活 更新时间:2024-07-19 19:13:26



A. Let’s talk. Let’s play.


Let’s talk仍然是情景對話呈現部分。早上Chen Jie高高興興去上學。小鳥也快樂地用 “Good morning” 來向她問好。她也用 “Good morning”來回應。接着她碰到了Mike。Mike用“How are you”來詢問她的近況。她則用“I’m fine, thank you.” 來表示回應。并提議:Let’s go to school! Mike爽快地回答:OK!這個小情景特别符合學生每天的生活實際。在這樣的場景下,學生能夠非常清晰地理解重點句式How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 以及Let’s go to school的含義,并有助于他們在實際生活中正确運用這些句式進行交流和表達。

Let’s play是一首How are you?的歌曲。具體内容為:Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. I’m fine. Thank you. How are you? How are you?在學習完如何運用How are you來詢問他人近況之後,這樣的歌曲可以幫助學生鞏固所學的句型。同時,讓學生在吟唱中,培養自己的節奏感。并通過加動作表演等多種形式,提高學生參與的積極性,激發他們的英語學習興趣。


1. 能夠聽懂、會說、認讀句型:How are you? I’m fine, thank you. Let’s ...

2. 能夠在真實或模拟的情景中正确使用How are you? 來詢問他人的近況,并能以I’m fine, thank you. 來回應。

3. 能夠在真實或模拟的情景中正确使用Let’s ... 來提出自己的想法和建議。

4. 能夠大膽表達,樂于使用英語與他人進行交流。



能夠聽懂、會說、認讀句型:How are you? I’m fine, thank you. Let’s ...

2. 難點

能夠在真實或模拟的情景中正确使用How are you? 來詢問他人的近況,并能以I’m fine, thank you. 來回應。

能夠在真實或模拟的情景中正确使用Let’s ... 來提出自己的想法和建議。


1. 多媒體課件、錄音機、磁帶

2. 教材人物圖片或頭飾、手偶


Step 1 Warm up


Teacher:Look at the picture. Who’s this? She is Sarah. Please say hello to Sarah. Hello, Sarah. And He is Mike. Say Hello to Mike, please.

2. 齊說韻句:Hello, Sarah, hi, hi, hi. 教師出示教材中人物的圖片,學生據此向他們打招呼,說韻句。

Teacher:Let’s chant to say hello to them.

Hello, Sarah, hi, hi, hi. Hello, Mike, hi, hi, hi. Hello, John, hi, hi, hi. Hello, Chen Jie, hi, hi, hi. Hello, Miss White, hi, hi, hi.


Step 2 Lead in

1.以《生日快樂歌》的曲調,演唱Good morning.

Teacher:Hello,boys and girls. Let’s sing good morning together. Listen to me first. Then sing with me.

Good morning to you. Good morning to you. Good morning, boys and girls, good morning to you.

2. 出示Chen Jie 的圖片,請學生向她打招呼。

Teacher:Who’s this? Please say good morning to her.


Step 3 Presentation

1. 展示教材圖片,讨論圖片人物,請學生猜測人物的身份。播放課文内容,學生傾聽。

Teacher:This is Chen Jie. What’s this? Yes, It’s a bird. Who’s this? Yes, he’s Mike. What are they talking about? Listen to the tape and find.

2. 讨論對話内容。

Teacher:What does Chen Jie say to the bird? Yes. She says: Good morning. What does Mike say to Chen Jie? Yes, he says: How are you? (闆書句式)Read after me, please. How are you? What does Chen Jie answer? She says: I’m fine. Thank you. (闆書句子) Read after me. I’m fine. (做動作,使學生理解fine的含義)Fine, fine, fine. I’m fine. I am fine. (做動作,使學生理解thank you的意思)Thank you. And what does Chen jie want to do? Yes,she says: let’s go to school. (闆書句子)Let’s go to school. Repeat it, please. (出示學生去上學的圖片,講解go to school)This is a school. The boys and girls go to school. Say it together, please. Go to school. Let’s go to school.

(走到學生身邊,邀請學生一起上學,做出背着書包去上學的動作)Hi, XXX. Let’s go to school.


Step 4 Practice

1. 再次播放課文錄音。學生跟讀課文。

Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the tape. Please Listen carefully, read carefully.

2. 學生分角色朗讀課文。

Teacher: Now, who wants to be Chen Jie? Who wants to be Mike? Who wants to be the bird? Let’s read the dialogue in roles.

3. 請學生戴上頭飾來扮演對話的角色,表演對話。

Teacher: Now we’ll find the best actor or actress. Please come to the front and show the dialogue.


4.“鍊式”活動 ,請一排學生前一個問,後一個答,答者接着問下一個,進行How are you? I’m fine, thank you. 問答練習。

Teacher:Let’s do a chain work. This line, please. How are you?

Student: I’m fine. Thank you. How are you?



5. 播放Let’s do裡的歌曲,學生先聽,再跟唱,再加上動作進行練習,然後表演。

Teacher:You did a very good job. I will show a song for you. What is the song about? Listen carefully.

Teacher: What is the song about? Yes, it’s about how are you. Listen to the song again. This time, sing with the tape, please.

Teacher: Let’s do some actions when we sing the song. Look at me, please. Hello, Hello.(伸出一隻手擺動,做打招呼的動作)How are you?(将雙手向前伸,掌心向上)I’m fine. (雙手收回,輕點胸前)Thank you. (雙手合十,做感謝的動作) Now, please do with me.

Teacher: Let’s sing the song together and do the actions.

Teacher: Let’s sing the song in pairs and do the actions.


Step 5 Summary

1. 我指你說。教師指向黑闆上重點句式中的單詞,請學生快速讀出。以此來訓練學生對于重點句式的認讀能力。

Teacher: Let’s play a game. I point you say. Look at the blackboard, please. I will point to the words in the sentences. Please read it quickly.

2. 與老師對唱How are you。

Teacher:Let’s sing the song—how are you. I sing it first. Then you answer.




( ) 1. ______ is your name?

A. What B. How C. What colour

( ) 2. ______ are you?

A. What B. How C. What colour

( ) 3. I ____ fine.

A. is B. am C. are

( ) 4. Let’s _____ to school.

A. goes B. going C. go


( ) 1. Good morning.

A. How are you? B. Good morning.

( ) 2. Nice to meet you.

A. Good morning. B. Nice to meet you.

( ) 3. How are you?

A. I’m fine. B. How are you?

( ) 4. What’s you name?

A. I’m fine. B. I’m Mike.

( ) 5. Good afternoon.

A. Good afternoon. B. Good morning.


1. are you how ( ? )


2. go let’s school to ( . )


3. you thank fine I’m ( , ) ( . )



一、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C

二、1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5. A

三、1. How are you? 2. Let’s go to school. 3. I’m fine, thank you.


Unit 3 Look at me!

A. Let’s talk

Good morning!

Good morning!

How are you?

I’m fine. Thank you.

Let’s go to school.








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