Recently, the Chinese government has decided to upgrade its industry.
中國現在涉足建造高速列車、遠洋船舶、機器人,甚至飛機。China is now involved in the construction of high-speed train, ocean-ship, and even aircraft.
不久前,中國獲得了在印度尼西亞建造一條高鐵的合同;中國還與馬來西亞簽署了為其提供高速列車的合同。Not long ago, China signed a contract to build a high-speed rail in Indonesia. China also signed a contract with Malaysia to provide high-speed train.
這證明人們信任中國造産品,中國制造産品越來越受歡迎。These facts prove that people rely on Chinese-made products. Products made in China are becoming more and more popular.
中國為此付出了代價,但這确實有助于消除貧困,同時還為世界各地的人們提供就業機會。China has paid a price for it, but it not only help to eliminate poverty but also provide employments opportunities for people all over the world.
這是一件好事,值得稱贊。下次你去商店時,可能想看一看你所購商品的出産國名。很有可能這件商品是中國制造的。This is a good thing to praised. The next time you go to the store, you may want to take a look at the home of your purchase. Chances are that it is made in China.