為什麼越來越重視科研傳播? 首先,可能會有很多老師覺得,為什麼要花時間精力去推廣自己的科研成果呢?
Shane Rydquist
I think the reasons that there’s a greater focus on science communication now than ever before is because getting funding is not as straightforward as it used to be. Government funding bodies are now less likely to just allocate funds to institutes based on just their reputations. Funding agencies want to more proactively see what impact someone’s research has on society. There is an entire framework for this in the UK
(httto start doing it now and try to find a way you will enjoy.
推廣科研成果的平台/方式有哪些? 既然已經了解到了傳播的重要性,那麼,問題來了——
Shane Rydquist
Scientists in the west tend to prefer Twitter the most. Most international journals and publishers also prefer Twitter. Researchers also appreciate ResearchGate and what it has to offer. People also discuss their research Reddit, Medium, LinkedIn, and occasionally Facebook.
Danny Ward
I use a variety of platforms. To reach a global audience, social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn and ResearchGate are popular choices. Professional blogs or websites are also effective sharing methods as well. Local social media and websites for sharing your work domestically may also be a good strategy for research paper promotion. For example, the use of Sina Weibo may be an effective choice.
Growing follower numbers takes time and consistency. Don’t dwell on the numbers too much as it can sometimes be a distraction. By posting good content and science that you think others will find interesting, other people will follow you in time. There are a few techniques to help boost people finding you on social media. Using hashtags or words that people can easily search for. Adding links, pictures or video to your posts to make them more eye-catching. Engaging with other users on social media by responding or interacting with their posts. These can all make the online community more aware of your presence on social media. If they like your content, they may follow you to see more.
Elodie Chabrol
If you have the thesis manuscript online you can share it but don’t forget to explain it jargon free for the public. You can do a blog post for example on social media. One thing we did in France during a friend’s PhD defense : we live tweeted it. We shared pictures and quotes live on social media while he was presenting it, it was fun and a lot of people discovered his work during that time.
如何将科研成果大衆化? 相信很多科研人在傳播科研成果的時候,都會遇到同一個問題:
Pei Qin Sabrina
This is indeed challenging as most of the projects are highly specialised and there are lots of jargons associated with it. In fact, it takes us PhDs years to even get to the level of understanding that we are at now in our own field. Communicating science to audience and experts of different backgrounds can be nerve wrecking. My recommendation is always think from an audience perspective: what do you wish to learn from a researcher? What is the fun bit of your work? Why is it important? These few questions help to centre the core of your presentation. To help make it easily accessible to my audience, I would ask the question: if I have to explain it to an undergraduate is it too difficult to understand? What if I explain this to a group of researchers of a different field, would they understand? Or if I try explaining it to my parents, will they get the importance of my work? Doing this fact-check while preparing for your presentation helps getting your key messages of your work out there to the broader audience. One thing I really enjoy about talking about my research in seminars and conferences is when people actually came up to me and say they understood my work despite they are in a completely different field. Best yet when they could reiterate what they have understood from your talk and they can see the importance of your work. The satisfaction is indescribable.
Elodie Chabrol
Few golden rules to share your research with the public: - Always know your audience (age, science level) - Don’t use jargon (technical words) - Try to present your project in the society context: what will it change for your public? - Always share information as stories and not just cold datas and facts. Explain why you’re interested in that, how you work. People need to picture your doing your science work. To know more you can have a look at Hindawi’s blog on chinese platforms. I’m working with them to create a science communication guide with a lot of “how to” articles for scientists who want to do science communication.
Shane Rydquist
First, make your research more visual. Second, explain your work in a more relatable manner. You need to make your work more visual because the general public will understand your work better through images and pictorial representation. The best way to do this is perhaps create an Infographic that represents your work in a better manner. But remember that no one is obliged to understand or learn about your work. So, you have to think about explaining it to them better. For example, if I told you I’ve discovered “a key factor in the ubiquitination pathway that shortens cycle for rice panicle dehiscence” would you really care unless you have some background on the topic? Perhaps not. But, if I said, I’ve discovered a way to “make an important crop like rice take less time to harvest.” Then, I’m sure you’d at least be interested in my work. Maybe one thing you can start doing is creating presentations that outline your research and try making those presentations in front of members of your family or friends. See, if they find it interesting. If they don’t, then ask them what would make your work more interesting to them, and use that advice to simplify your presentation.
Danny Ward
When I present my research to the general public, many people are interested in how it will affect their lives. Linking your research to a real-world benefit can add relevance for many people. For example, if your project is related to researching microbial biological systems, then this could help to improve our understanding of the world around us and could lead to advancements in medicine or biotechnology. This demonstration of real-world progress can be exciting and interesting for many of the general public. Another thing I find is that many members of the general public do not have advanced training in science and so many do not understand or are not interested in many of the fine details of research. Being selective with what results you share when presenting research, and explaining difficult concepts will help to make the research project more accessible. A complex research project that is not clearly explained can be difficult to appreciate for non-experts.
John Pegum
Being able to communicate your research in a way that lay audiences can understand and appreciate the relevance and applicability is becoming much more important in science today. The first thing to do is to find the “so what?” about your research. Why is it interesting, important and relevant to the non-scholarly community. You might want to start with your non-science friends and family members. Talk to them about your research ideas and findings and see what about them sparks their interest and makes them want to learn more. Once you can find out what it is that translates to a non-scholarly audience you can use various media to spread the news of your research.
可視化在樹立科研品牌上的效果如何? 現在有越來越多科研人利用圖像、動畫等可視化工具來宣傳自己的成果,同時可能也有一些老師覺得這種方式是不是過于超前。
John Pegum
Using visual tools to synthesise and explain your research - so that both a lay audience may be able to more easily understand and a scientific audience can evaluate the relevance of your work to their field - is, as you say, becoming a more popular and impactful way of disseminating the news of your paper’s availability. On Wiley Online Library, we’re able to quantify that articles which feature a Video Abstract, for instance, garner more than 400% higher Altmetric scores and over 100% more full text views than similar papers without Video Abstracts. On top of that, Video Abstracts allow you to be in control of the sharing and promotion of your paper. Wiley Editing Services can help create Video Abstracts, Research News Stories, Infographics and other resources that can be shared via the channels of your choice.
Shane Rydquist
Yes, a Thesis can be promoted, the best possible way perhaps to create an animated video summary of your findings. This would perhaps be the best way to condense 5 years of work into an easy to understand format. I would also perhaps recommend creating an infographic that might also work.
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