Vinegar and grievance without identity really makes no sense.
The fog was scattered that morning, not just in the morning, but in the fog
初見 紅了臉 再見 紅了眼
I see you red. See you. See you. I see you. I see you. I see you. I see you. I see you. I see you. I see you. I see you
我愛漫山遍野的林樹 愛朝暮的雲蒸霞蔚 愛一望無際的海天一色 但我更愛孤絕的飛鳥 更愛你望向我時 眸底搖曳的碎光。
I love the forest and trees all over the country, the clouds and the sky in the evening. I love the boundless sea and the sky. But I love the solitary birds more than the broken light that sways at the bottom of my eyes when you look at me.
幸好思念無聲 否則震耳欲聾
Fortunately, missing is silent or it will be deafening
But the wind of pine is 3000 miles in the moon, and the day is not allowed to return.
The fog was rising, and I couldn't see it
小時候的理想記不起來了 但絕不是一套房一輛車
When I was a kid, I couldn't remember my dreams, but it was not a single car
I can't count our Miss
你給了我什麼 一場空歡喜 一場意難平
What kind of empty joy did you give me? A happy one
Don't let yourself down in need and loss
我在冷風裡站了好久 後來太冷了我就回去了 慢慢的我想的越來越少 慢慢的我就不想了
I stood in the cold air for a long time, and then it was too cold. I went back. Slowly, I thought less and less. Slowly, I didn't want to
I thought we would be long, and just thought
搞怪的不是紅綠燈 而是我數不清的猶豫
It's not the traffic light that makes a mistake, but my countless hesitation
他不見了 剩下一堆沒用的聊天記錄
He's gone. There's a bunch of useless chat records left
You didn't mean to wind up the mountain
意難平終将和解 萬事終将如意.
The peace of will reconcile and everything will be happy
不順路了嗎 那祝你平安
Not going along? Then, I wish you peace