應不少條友的私信要求,整理一些基礎語法知識,希望對大家的學習有所幫助。本文主要學習《常見短語介詞的用法-according to和ahead of》。歡迎留言或私信交流,共同進步。

一、according to的常見用法
1.according to表示“據(……所說); 按(……所報道)”;例如:
- According to a survey published by an American university, the ten fastest growing jobs will be related to computers and health. 根據美國一所大學發布的調查,(需求)增長最快的十種職業将與計算機和醫療有關。
- According to Wilson, he benefits just as much from the experience. 根據威爾遜的說法,他從這段經曆中獲益良多。
2.according to表示“依照; 按照; 根據”;例如:
- Learn to make study plans according to your needs. 學會按照自己的需要制訂學習計劃。
- They can change according to circumstances. 它們會根據情況的變化而改變。
二、ahead of的常見用法
1.ahead of表示“(時間、空間)在……前面”;例如:
- Exercising makes you more awake and ready to handle whatever is ahead of you for the day. 鍛煉會使你更加清醒,并讓你為應對一天中擺在你面前的一切事務做好準備。
- Two boys were ahead of us. 有兩個男孩在我們前面。
2.ahead of表示“早于”;例如:
- Why don't you drop in tonight ahead of your meeting? 你為何不在今晚開會前順道過來看看?
- I finished several days ahead of the deadline. 我是在最後期限的前幾天完成的。
3.ahead of表示“領先”;例如:
- We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers. 為了領先于其他報紙,我們需要在這一版就刊登它。
- Damaged but not defeated, he was still ahead of me.他雖受傷但并未被打敗,依然領先于我。

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