come的動詞搭配?#頭條創作挑戰賽#It really gives me a headache. I just don't know how such a tough situation came about. 這件事真的很讓我頭疼我真的不知道如此艱難的處境是如何産生的,下面我們就來說一說關于come的動詞搭配?我們一起去了解并探讨一下這個問題吧!
sth come about 發生; 産生; 出現It really gives me a headache. I just don't know how such a tough situation came about. 這件事真的很讓我頭疼。我真的不知道如此艱難的處境是如何産生的。
come across sb 偶然遇到某人 == come across sth 偶然發現某物After glancing at the grade on the report card of her son, she came after him with a stick. 掃了一眼她兒子成績單上的分數,她拿起棍子就追着他兒子打。
come along 來,到來Honey, you came along at just the right moment. I forgot my purse at home. 親愛的,你來得正是時候。我把錢包忘家裡了。
come around 拜訪Tonight his parents will come around for dinner. 今晚,他爸媽會過來吃晚飯。
come at sb 沖向某人He came at his girlfriend with a bunch of flowers. 他帶着一束花向他女朋友沖來。
come away from sth 與...分離開The poster came away from the wall. 海報從牆上掉下來了。
come back to sb 想起I hope his name will come back to me later. 我希望等一下我可以想起他的名字。
come between A and B 妨礙,離間Don't let money come between you. 别讓金錢離間了你們之間的感情。
come by sth 得到How did you come by the concert ticket? 你是怎麼搞到這演唱會門票的?