2019世界新能源汽車大會7月2日在海南博鳌召開。國家主席緻賀信,對大會的召開表示熱烈祝賀。指出,當前随着新一輪科技革命和産業變革孕育興起,新能源汽車産業正進入加速發展的新階段,不僅為各國經濟增長注入強勁新動能,也有助于減少溫室氣體排放,應對氣候變化挑戰,改善全球生态環境。 President Xi Jinping has sent a congratulatory letter to the 2019 World New Energy Vehicle Congress held Tuesday in Boao, south China's Hainan province. With a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation in the making and rising, the new energy vehicle industry is entering a new stage of accelerated development, which not only adds strong new drivers to the economic growth of various countries, but also helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions, cope with climate change and improve global ecological environment, Xi noted in the letter.
新能源汽車指采用新型動力系統,完全或主要依靠新型能源驅動的汽車,具有能耗低、污染物排放少等特點,主要包括插電式混合動力汽車、純電動汽車和燃料電池汽車。今年6月,國家發改委、生态環境部、商務部三部門發布的《推動重點消費品更新升級 暢通資源循環利用實施方案(2019-2020年)》提出,嚴禁各地出台新的汽車限購規定,堅決破除乘用車消費障礙;各地應大力推動新能源汽車消費使用,不得對新能源汽車實行限行、限購,已實行的應當取消;方案還提出鼓勵地方對無車家庭購置首輛家用新能源汽車給予支持,鼓勵有條件的地方在停車費等方面給予新能源汽車優惠等。此外,方案也提出了大幅降低新能源汽車成本、穩步推動智能汽車創新發展、持續提升汽車節能環保性能等方面的内容。
中國堅持走綠色、低碳、可持續發展道路,願同國際社會一道,加速推進新能源汽車科技創新和相關産業發展,為建設清潔美麗世界、推動構建人類命運共同體作出更大貢獻。 Staying committed to the path of green, low-carbon, and sustainable development, China is willing to work with the international community to speed up innovations of new energy vehicle technologies and development of related industries, so as to make greater contributions to building a clean and beautiful world and a community with a shared future for humanity. ——2019年7月2日,向2019世界新能源汽車大會緻賀信表示
綠色發展 green development
尾号限行 traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers
潮汐車道 reversible lanes