Sub 經緯度格式轉換() Application.DisplayAlerts = False '//關閉系統提示 latLongConversion.Show Application.DisplayAlerts = True '//恢複系統提示 End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() On Error Resume Next Dim LatLonRow, LatLonCol, AcRow, AcCol, llArr As Variant, llList As Variant, inRange As Variant, Lat, Lon If OptionButton1.Value = True Then Set llArr = Application.InputBox(prompt, Title:="請選擇需轉換經緯度的區域", Type:=8) '獲取經緯度數據 Set inRange = Application.InputBox(prompt, Title:="請選擇經緯度插入的起始位置(單個單元格)", Type:=8) '獲取經緯度數據 If inRange Is Nothing Then AcRow = ActiveCell.Row '獲取當前單元格所在行 AcCol = ActiveCell.Column '獲取當前單元格所在列 Else AcRow = inRange.Row '獲取當前單元格所在行 AcCol = inRange.Column '獲取當前單元格所在列 End If If llArr Is Nothing Then MsgBox "未選取有效數據,程序退出!" Exit Sub End If For i = 1 To llArr.Count Lat = "" Lon = "" ll = llArr(i).Value ll = Replace(ll, "°", "#")'對經緯度中的字符進行替換 ll = Replace(ll, "′", "#") ll = Replace(ll, "″", "#") ll = Replace(ll, ",", "#") ll = Replace(ll, ",", "#") ll = Replace(ll, "##", "#") ll = Replace(ll, " ", "") llList = Split(ll, "#") Lat = Round(llList(0) llList(1) / 60 llList(2) / 3600, 6) Lon = Round(llList(3) llList(4) / 60 llList(5) / 3600, 6) If UBound(llList) > 3 Then If CheckBox1.Value = True Then Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol) = Lat & "," & Lon Else Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol) = Lat Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol 1) = Lon End If Else Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol) = Lat End If Next i 'err_1: MsgBox Err.Description & ",程序退出!" Else Set llArr = Application.InputBox(prompt, Title:="請選擇需轉換經緯度的區域", Type:=8) '獲取經緯度數據 Set inRange = Application.InputBox(prompt, Title:="請選擇經緯度插入的起始位置(單個單元格)", Type:=8) '獲取經緯度數據 If inRange Is Nothing Then AcRow = ActiveCell.Row '獲取當前單元格所在行 AcCol = ActiveCell.Column '獲取當前單元格所在列 Else AcRow = inRange.Row '獲取當前單元格所在行 AcCol = inRange.Column '獲取當前單元格所在列 End If If llArr Is Nothing Then MsgBox "未選取有效數據,程序退出!" Exit Sub End If For i = 1 To llArr.Count latD = "" latF = "" latM = "" LonD = "" LonF = "" LonM = "" ll = llArr(i).Value ll = Replace(ll, "°", "") ll = Replace(ll, ",", "#") ll = Replace(ll, ",", "#") llList = Split(ll, "#") latD = Int(llList(0)) latF = Int((llList(0) - latD) * 60) latM = Round((((llList(0) - latD) * 60) - latF) * 60, 2) LonD = Int(llList(1)) LonF = Int((llList(1) - LonD) * 60) LonM = Round((((llList(1) - LonD) * 60) - LonF) * 60, 2) Lat = latD & "°" & latF & "°" & latM & "°" Lon = LonD & "°" & LonF & "°" & LonM & "°" If UBound(llList) = 1 Then If CheckBox1.Value = True Then If Lat <> "" And Lon <> "" Then Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol) = Lat & "," & Lon Else If Lat <> "" Then Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol) = Lat Else Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol) = Lon End If End If Else If Lat <> "" And Lon <> "" Then Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol) = Lat Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol 1) = Lon Else If Lat <> "" Then Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol) = Lat Else Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol 1) = Lon End If End If End If Else If llList(0) <> "" Then Cells(AcRow i - 1, AcCol) = Lat End If End If Next i End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Unload Me End Sub