Lesson 32 :Some more family words and phrases. 32課:更多的家庭單詞和短語。
1) My father's father is my grandfather. 我父親的父親是我的爺爺。
2) My father's sister is my aunt. 我父親的姐妹是我的姑姑。
3) My aunt's husband is my uncle. 我姑姑和姨媽的丈夫是我的姑父和姨夫。
4) My grandfather's brother is my great uncle. 我祖父和外祖父的兄弟是我的伯(叔)祖父和舅祖父。
5) My aunt and uncle's children are my first cousins.
6) My great uncle's grandchildren are my second cousins. 我伯(叔)祖父、舅祖父的孫子孫女們是我父母親的堂表兄弟姊妹的孩子。
7) My father's sister is my mother's sister-in-law. 我父親的姐妹是我母親的大(小)姑子。
8) My sister's husband is my brother-in- law. 我姐姐或妹妹的丈夫是我的姐夫或妹夫。
9) My mother's aunt is my great aunt. 我母親的姑姑、姨媽是我的姑祖母、姨祖母。
10) My great aunt's husband is my great uncle. 我的姑婆、姨婆的丈夫是我的姑公、姨公。
11) My brother's sons are my nephews. 我兄弟的兒子是我的侄子。
12) My brother's daughters are my nieces. 我兄弟的女兒是我的侄女。
13) My son's son is my grandson. 我兒子的兒子是我的孫子。
14) My son's daughter is my granddaughter. 我兒子的女兒是我的孫女。
15) My son's wife is my daughter-in-law. 我兒子的妻子是我的兒媳婦。