Welcome to Firry's learning log. This is the _143th day of my record.
▶“我唯一锲而不舍,願意以自己的生命去努力的,隻不過是保守我個人的心懷意念,在我有生之日,做一個真誠的人,不放棄對生活的熱愛和執着,在有限的時空裡,過無限廣大的日子。” ——三毛
Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age. 歲月無法阻撓愛,然而愛在一定程度上能抵 擋歲月的侵蝕。 讓娜·莫羅Jeanne Moreau
❶from from…to 從…到 完美破解漢語中的“解脫”“每況愈下” 當區别兩個東西時,表示“與…不同” 對應漢語中的“分清”“分不清”
❷age with age 随着年份的增加… 對應漢語中的“越老越...”“越陳年越” age sb.讓某人看起來顯老 完美破解漢語中的“顯老”
“和某人一起生活”:live with sb “否則”,“不然”:otherwise “在(或往)…下面”,“在(或往)…下方":beneath
❶Friends is an American_sitcom, which originally aired on NBC from September 22, 1994. sitcom情景喜劇 orig inally起初、最初 air v.播出
❷It's a show about a tight-knit_group of friends living, in Manhattan. tight-knit親密的、緊密的
❸These six__young__people__find the companionship. comfort and suppont they get from each other to be the perfect antidote to the pressures of life. find sth to be ...覺得.….是... companionship友誼、交往、伴侶關系 ant idote to sth 矯正方法、對抗手段:解藥
▶ESPN: Trying for three gold medals in one 0lympics is a hectic 繁忙的business. So it was no surprise that Eileen Gu was a skier in a hurry Monday. China's burgeoning 迅速增長freestyle superstar munched 用力咀嚼on a fried leek dumpling韭菜盒子? while she awaited her score in slopestyle qualifying. It came up. She had made it through to the final. And then she rushed over to practice on the halfpipe U型滑道, where the contest starts later this week.
Hold to chest
合成形容詞“long-drawn-out”的意思是“過 程或事件耗時過久,冗長的”,也就是“拖拖拉 拉,拖泥帶水”,常暗示此事讓人感到沮喪和無 聊。
If it-were easy, it woulen't be a dream. Adversity and possibility of failure are what-make life interesting.@Gabby英語
▶時間_ 22 min
▶進度__12__ /258
▶時間_20 min
▶進度__182__ /193
▶時間_10 min
➽20220202開始 ▶良知丨高貴和普通 ▶進度__072__ /336 ▶時間_ 7 min
▶第11章 履【卦十】天澤履
▶時間_ 4 min
❺ 散文
▶時間_ 6 min
❻ 原版書《The Old Man and the Sea》
☛20220131開始 ▶進度_14 /52
❼ 有聲記錄
▶英:hallie,anna,better ideas,dee