“integrity”的英語解釋是“the quality of being honest and strong, about what you believe to be right”。據此,其近義詞有:honesty, honour, character, principles, ethics, morals, virtue, sincerity等。
老夏考研“每日一題”選自《自然》文章标題為“Research integrity is much more than misconduct”(科研誠信遠不止是不端行為)。
今天給的是一個關于寫作思路的題。努力想想: ......
【題目】This text focuses upon ______ of the subject “integrity”.
[A] impact.
[C] importance.
[D] practices.
①Conducting research with integrity, honesty and accuracy is something to which every scientist should proudly aspire. ②And research integrity is not a virtue that is either present or absent: it is a capacity that can be enhanced. ③It requires ongoing training for both early-career researchers and more senior faculty members, as well as the reworking of wilful incentives, and rewarding researchers for important but unglamorous contributions. ④Every conversation or course in research integrity is an opportunity to grow. ⑤Expectations, skills and standards must be constantly updated, especially as new fields such as metaresearch reveal more about the practices that strengthen science.
①Conducting research with integrity, honesty and accuracy is something to which every scientist should proudly aspire. 正直、誠實和精确的科研是每一個科學家都應該自豪地向往的。
②And research integrity is not a virtue that is either present or absent: it is a capacity that can be enhanced. 科研誠信不是一種要麼存在要麼缺失的美德:它是一種可以提高的能力。
③It requires ongoing training for both early-career researchers and more senior faculty members, as well as the reworking of wilful incentives, and rewarding researchers for important but unglamorous contributions. 它需要對處于職業生涯早期的研究人員和更資深的全體教職員進行繼續培訓,以及需要重新制定有意的激勵機制,還需要因為重要但不起眼的貢獻而獎勵研究者。
④Every conversation or course in research integrity is an opportunity to grow. 研究誠信中的每一次交談和課程都是成長的機會。
⑤Expectations, skills and standards must be constantly updated, especially as new fields such as metaresearch reveal more about the practices that strengthen science. 期望、技能和标準必須不斷更新,特别是比如元研究的新領域揭示出更多加強科學慣例的更多信息。
考研英語除了考查知識點之外,還注重考查考生的思辨能力,即概念理解能力,邏輯推測能力以及概括能力。鑒于此,“每日一題”以段落的形式出現(這樣為理解提供充分的語境),題目設計的目的主要幫助你既鞏固所學知識(knowledge)又提高思辨能力(critical skills)。相信能成為你達到“事半功倍”複習效果的助手。