China seeks to extend its clout in commodity markets能源緊缺 energy crunch/shortage
疫情後的經濟複蘇加上炎熱的夏天導緻電力需求上升Its post-covid economic recovery coupled with a hot summer produced a surge in demand for power.
液化天然氣 liquefied natural gas (LNG)
還有其他因素的影響other factors are also at play
供應過剩/供過于求 glut
補充庫存 replenish stocks
韭菜 Chinese exchanges look different from Western ones. They are dominated by retail investors (who are nicknamed “chives” because when they get cut down, they soon grow back).
價格波動 A lack of expertise means retail investors tend to accentuate price swings/price volatility
風力渦輪機 wind turbines
電網 power grids
囤積居奇 speculative hoarding
沒有持久的影響had no lasting effect on prices