
manner——man (n)er,男人泛指人,人做事的“方式”、“方法”,“風格”“舉止”“樣式”“格調”“做法”“态度”。
[例句]1. Man on earth,Good at birth. 人之初,性本善。
- I don't think you're the man in the street. 我并不認為你是個普通人。Economists, almost to a man, were sceptical. 經濟學家幾乎無一例外地持懷疑态度。
- He has lived in the city, man and boy, for forty years. 他從小到大在這個城市,已經住了四十年
- Man to man, I think you should admit your mistakes. 坦誠地說,我認為你應該承認自己的錯誤。They got united as one man. 他們團結得像一個人一樣。
- We walked in a leisurely manner, looking in all the windows.我們慢悠悠地走着,看遍所有的櫥窗。
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