?#頭條創作挑戰賽#怎麼新建Mysql用戶,并限制他MYSQL空間新建用戶時,下面的權限一個也不要選(切記),隻填入主機名,用戶名,密碼,就可以然後點重啟 Mysql 建立一個空數據庫然後找到新建的那個用戶,點Grants ,進去後,選擇剛建的那個數據庫,授予下面的權限:Select,Insert ,Update,Delete,Create ,Drop,Alter再點重啟 Mysql !用戶就建完了,我來為大家科普一下關于?下面希望有你要的答案,我們一起來看看吧!
怎麼新建Mysql用戶,并限制他MYSQL空間!新建用戶時,下面的權限一個也不要選(切記),隻填入主機名,用戶名,密碼,就可以。然後點重啟 Mysql 。建立一個空數據庫。然後找到新建的那個用戶,點Grants ,進去後,選擇剛建的那個數據庫,授予下面的權限:Select,Insert ,Update,Delete,Create ,Drop,Alter再點重啟 Mysql !用戶就建完了。
There is no out of the box solution. But you can do the following:
But keep in mind that removing data from an InnoDB tables will not free up space in the file system. So if your user reached the limit, he can not do anything against it. (Except dumping all InnoDB tables, dropping them and reimport them)