暑假英語怎麼說?暑假英語可翻譯為summer vacation、summer holidays示例:,今天小編就來聊一聊關于暑假英語怎麼說?接下來我們就一起去研究一下吧!
暑假英語可翻譯為summer vacation、summer holidays。
(1)The historic feeling of the town makes it a pleasant place to base oneself for summer vacations.(這個小鎮的曆史氛圍使其成為在暑假沉浸自己的一個好去處。)
(2)During his summer holiday he visited Russia.(暑假期間他遊覽了俄羅斯。)
(3)Memorial Day weekend marks the kick-off of the summer holiday season.(周末的陣亡将士紀念日标志着暑假的開始。)
(4)During the past few years the university has staggered the summer holiday periods for students.(在過去幾年裡該大學已經把學生的暑假時間錯開了。
(5)Many skiers are happy to forego a summer holiday to go skiing.(許多滑雪者樂于放棄暑假去滑雪。)