
begin : 最常用詞,含義廣泛,其反義詞是end,多用于行動、工作等的開始。
- What time does the concert begin?
音樂會什麼時候開始? - The bridge was begun five years ago and the estimated cost has already doubled.
這座橋5年前開始建造,到現在為止估計成本已經翻了一番。 - The film they want to watch begins at seven.
他們要看的電影7點開場。 - The meeting began promisingly, but then things started to go wrong.

start : 在許多場合可與begin通用,但start側重動作的起點。
- When do you start your course/your new job?
你什麼時候開始你的課程/新工作? - We'll be starting (the session) at six o'clock.
我們将在6點鐘開始(議程)。 - Can you start (= begin a new job) on Monday?
星期一你能開始工作嗎? - They started building the house in January.
他們1月份動工蓋這所房子。 - I'd just started to write a letter when the phone rang.

commence : 可與begin換用,但commence系書面正式用詞,語氣莊重,特指有正式程序或一定儀式,或某種正式行動的“開始”。
- We will commence building work in August of next year.
我們将于明年8月開始破土動工。 - Shall we let the meeting commence?
我們開始開會,好嗎? - Unfortunately, he commenced speaking before all the guests had finished eating.
initiate : 指創始或發起,側重某過程的第一步,不考慮結束,強調起始。
- Who initiated the violence?
誰先使用暴力的? - to initiate legal proceedings against sb
對某人提起訴訟 - The government has initiated a programme of economic reform.
inaugurate : 指正式而隆重的開始。
- The European Community inaugurated the Single European Market in 1993.
歐洲共同體于1993年正式啟動歐洲單一市場。 - The moon landing inaugurated a new era in space exploration.
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