Photo taken on April 1, 2019, shows the site of a forest fire that broke out in the Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Sichuan province. [Photo/Xinhua]
Thirty people were confirmed killed while fighting a forest fire that broke out on Saturday in the Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Sichuan province, the Ministry of Emergency Management said in a statement on Monday. 4月1日,應急管理部發布消息稱,3月30日四川省涼山彜族自治州境内發生森林火災,已有30人在撲火行動中死亡。
By 6:30 pm on Monday, the bodies of the victims were all recovered, including 27 firefighters and three locals, said the ministry. 應急管理部稱,4月1日18點30分, 所有遇難者遺體均已找到,包括27名消防隊員和3名當地群衆。
截至1日17時,木裡森林火災過火面積已達到15公頃左右(the fire has burned around 15 hectares of forest),火勢尚未得到控制,撲滅存在較大困難。
一是火場最高海拔約3700米,海拔高(high altitude),風大且方向不定,火勢難控制;
二是木裡當地地形複雜(complex terrain),尤其是雅砻江沿岸一帶山高坡陡,很多地方沒有路(lack of road access),給滅火和搜救工作帶來很大困難;
三是當地森林腐殖層較厚(thick humus layer),火不易打熄;
四是山上取水非常困難(difficulty in getting water)。
A fire breaks out in Muli Tibetan Autonomous County in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province on March 30, 2019. [Photo: Xinhua]
根據專家初步分析,此次火災很可能是由雷電引發的(the fire was possibly caused by thunder),在燃燒過程中可能還發生了“轟燃(flashover)”現象,其突發性導緻部分滅火人員避難不及時。“轟燃”指在一限定空間内, 所有可燃物表面全部卷入燃燒的瞬變狀态。
森林火災 forest fire
緊急狀态 state of emergency
燃燒面積 burning area
燃燒強度 burning intensity
伴随性火災 accompanying fire
消防演習 fire drill
消防噴淋系統 sprinkler system
森林防火隔離帶 firebreak/fire line
山火 wildfire
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)