“A self-introduction will be needed during the interview, at this time, do not talk about much more details about your life or working experience, but to try every means to make the interviewer to learn much about yourself, tell him the advantages you possess when you are in this position. Maybe you would like to select several stories of human kindness to tell him, but make sure, you will grasp with the idea of line. Or you can outline the contact between the job you did recently and the job you are applying for now, how it can help you, and why you choose this company, etc. Particularly worth mentioning is that the examples should be given, your answers are more authenticity and more likely to be accepted, and then give the interviewer a deep impression...”
About Myself
1.Well I am ..........
2.Basically I hail from ........... (I was born in........... /brought up from .....)
3.I hold my Bachelors/Masters in........
4.Prior to that I did my intermediate from........
5.I am persuing my ...............
6.My short term goal is ...............
7.My long term goal is..........
About My Strength
1.I am result oriented.
2.I am dedicated.
3.I am optimistic
About My Hobbies
1.I play cricket snooker
2.I listen to music.
3.I like reading and exercising.
Thank you for giving me a wonderful opportunity to introduce myself.
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