媽媽Watch out for cars. 要小心車。
Don't walk on the road. 不要走到車行道。
Always cross at crosswalks. 過馬路一定要走人行橫道。
Be careful when you cross the street. 過馬路時要小心。
Look sideways while you are walking. 走路時,要注意看兩邊。
Watch for the traffic lights. 要看紅綠燈(信号燈)。
Make sure you walk when the light is green. 确定是綠燈時,你才能走。
Raise your hand when you cross the street. 過馬路時,擡手示意一下。
Don't play with your cell phone on the street. 不要在路上玩你的手機。
Don't run. Walk slowly. 不要跑,慢慢走。
Don't rush 不要太着急。
Go straight to school. 直接去學校。
Don't ever follow strangers. 絕對不可以跟陌生人走。
Go along the broad street. 要走在大馬路上。
Don't go down the narrow back street. 不要走狹窄的背街。
Listen to your teacher. 要聽老師的話。
Ask your teacher if you want to go to the bathroom. 如果你要去廁所,你要跟老師說一聲。
Be nice to your friends. 要跟朋友們好好相處。
Turn off your cell phone at school. 在學校時要關掉手機。
Eat plenty for lunch. 午餐要吃飽。
Don't stop at the game machine. Just pass by it. 不要在遊戲機前停留,走過去就好。
What should you do when there is a bully? 當有惡霸時你應該怎麼做呢?
If you meet a bully tell me at once. 如果你看到有人被欺負,要立刻告訴我。
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