第1628天© 英語超級寫作奶爸,4.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活
中英合計:109.4萬字 英文44.2萬字,中文65.2萬字
第1629天(4.4年) 2022年5月30日(一)
A Diary for My Yunduo'er ©
Day 1629, May 30, 2022 (Mon)
I let you loose on that book of paper cutting meant for kids between ages of 5 and 8 which you had ferreted out from a chest and which left you instantly perked up. You got the project off the ground, your eyes alight with excitement, while I told you how to proceed since you couldn't read the instructions. Finally the cutout was folded, morphing ijnto a lion with a dark brown mane, one that could stand. "I love you," you thought out loud, studying the animal seemingly ready to maul a prey any minute. "Roar," you mimicked growling lions after helping get the mane onto the animal's neck.
你從箱子裡翻出了一本兒5-8歲孩子的剪紙書,立刻就來勁兒了。我也就讓你自由發揮了。你眼裡噴着興奮的光,開始了這一工程。你看不懂說明,所以我來引到你按步驟走。最後,剪下來的小畫兒折疊後變成了一隻深褐色鬃毛的獅子,還能站着。你仔細端詳着這隻似乎随時可能進攻獵物的獅子,自言自語:“我喜歡你。”你把鬃毛戴在獅子脖子上,模仿獅子的吼叫: “吼!“
let loose 放任
ferret out 翻找
perk up 興奮
get off the ground 開始
morph 改變
study 仔細查看
maul 撕咬
think out loud 自言自語
roar (獅子)吼叫
growl (獅子)吼叫