媽媽有人要踢足球嗎? Does anybody want to play soccer? (英國人才把足球叫football,football在美國是橄榄球)
我們把這個當作球門吧? Let's say this is the goal.
有誰要當守門員嗎?你當守門員吧。 Who wants to be the goalie? You be the goalie.
孩子我來當前鋒。 I'll be the striker.
我是11号。 My back number is 11.
媽媽傳給我。 Pass to me. / Pass it to me.
爸爸在進攻,攔住他。 Daddy's attacking. Go get him.
爸爸用力踢球。 Kick the ball hard.
盤球,看起來像是邊跑邊踢。 Dribble the ball. It's like kicking while running.
你可以用好防守赢球。 You can win by playing good defense.
好可惜,幾乎要進球了。 That was close! That almost went in.
我們差點得分了。 We almost made it.
試着從爸爸那裡截球。 Try to get the ball from Daddy.
我們先定個作戰計劃。 Let's make a plan.
我們要換人。 We need to change players.
踢足球時,你不能用手接球。 You can't catch the ball with your hands in soccer.
隻有守門員可以用手。 Only the goalie can use his hand.
如果你抓别人衣服就是犯規。 It's a foul if you grab someone's shirt.
如果你從後面推人,你會得到一張黃牌。 If you push someone from behind, you'll be given a yellow card.
哇,你跟樸智星踢得一樣好。 Wow! You can kick like Park Jisung.
孩子我因為被截球而絆倒了。 I fell because I got tackled.
爸爸你為什麼一個人踢球,你應該傳球。 Why are you a ball hog. You should pass the ball.
打平了,我們要點球決勝負。 It's a tie. We are going to a shootout.
進球了,來慶祝一下。 Goal! Celebrate!