導航意思: 有益的
解析: beneficial 指經濟上或身心健康方面有益的,通常後接介詞 to。
例句: The newly issued regulations are beneficial to people with lower incomes.
翻譯: 新發布的規定對低收入人群有利。
例句: Climbing is beneficial to health.
翻譯: 登山對健康有益。
例句: Using computers has a beneficial effect on children's learning.
翻譯: 使用計算機對孩子們的學習有益。
例句: A half-hour daily walk can be more beneficial than one hard bout of exercise a week.
翻譯: 每天散步半小時會比一周劇烈運動一次對身體更有益。
例句: It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust.
翻譯: 向自己信任的人傾訴感情是很有益處的。
解析: constructive 強調對促進改善或發展有積極作用的。
例句: The discussion was very constructive.
例句: She criticized my writing in a way that was very constructive.
翻譯: 她用一種非常建設性的方式批評了我的作品。
例句: The government is encouraging all parties to play a constructive role in the reform process.
翻譯: 政府鼓勵所有的政黨在改革過程中發揮建設性的作用。