ACR | Attenuation crosstalk RATIO | 衰減串擾比 |
BD | Building distributor | 建築物配線設備 |
CD | Campus Distributor | 建築群配線設備 |
CP | Consolidation point | 集合點 |
dB | dB (decibel) | 電信傳輸單元:分貝 |
d.c. | Direct current | 直流 |
EIA | Electronic Industries Association | 美國電子工業協會 |
ELFEXT | Equal level far end crosstalk attenuation(Loss) | 等電平遠端串擾衰減 |
FD | Floor distributor | 樓層配線設備 |
FEXT | Far end crosstalk attenuation(Loss) | 遠端串擾衰減(損耗) |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission | 國際電工技術委員會 |
IEEE | The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 美國電氣和電子工程師學會 |
IL | Insertion Loss | 插入損耗 |
IP | Internet Protocol | 因特網協議 |
ISDN | Integrated services digital network | 綜合業務數字網 |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | 國際标準化組織 |
LCL | Longitudinal to differential conversion Loss | 縱向對差分轉換損耗 |
OF | Optical fibre | 光纖 |
PSNEXT | Power sum NEXT attenuation(Loss) | 近端串擾功率和 |
PSACR | Power sum ACR | ACR功率和 |
PS ELFEXT | Power sum ELFEXT attenuation(Loss) | ELFEXT衰減功率和 |
RL | Return loss | 回波損耗 |
SC | Subscriber connector(optical fibre connector) | 用戶連接器(光纖連接器) |
SFF | Small form factor connector | 小型連接器 |
TCL | Transverse conversion Loss | 橫向轉換損耗 |
TE | Terminal Equipment | 終端設備 |
TIA | Telecommunications Industry Association | 美國電信工業協會 |
UL | Underwriters Laboratories | 美國保險商實訓所安全保準 |
Vr.m.s | Root-mean-square Voltage | 電壓有效值 |