杭州西湖小D我可是去過很多次了,要說景色那确實是美不勝收啊~下面就來看看大名鼎鼎的“西湖十景”(Ten Scenes of West Lake)的英文說法~
蘇堤春曉:Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring
曲院風荷:Wine-making Yard and Lotus Pool in Summer
平湖秋月:Moon over the Peaceful Lake in Autumn
斷橋殘雪:Remnant Snow on the Bridge in Winter
雷峰夕照:Leifeng Pagoda in the Sunset
柳浪聞莺:Orioles Singing in the Willows
花港觀魚:Fish Viewing at the Flower Pond
三潭印月:Moon and Candlelight Mirrored in the Lake
南屏晚鐘:Evening Bell Ringing at the Nanping Hill
雙峰插雲:Two Peaks Piercing the Clouds
西湖申遺成功後,杭州市政府承諾做到“六個不”:“‘還湖于民’目标不改變;門票不漲價;博物館不收費;土地不出讓;文物不破壞;公共資源不占用。” 希望真的能夠說到做到,讓“後申遺時代”的西湖變得更美噢