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 > 内蒙古大學考研好考嗎


教育 更新时间:2024-09-10 11:56:46


綜合類 公辦 普通本科

内蒙古民族大學(Inner Mongolia University For Nationalities)位于内蒙古東部通遼市,是一所綜合型民族大學,為内蒙古自治區重點建設高校、内蒙古自治區人民政府和國家民族事務委員會共建高校、中西部高校基礎能力建設工程(二期)支持高校,入選中國政府獎學金來華留學生接收院校、國家級大學生創新創業訓練計劃、新工科研究與實踐項目,系歐亞-太平洋大學聯盟成員。


Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities

Comprehensive public general undergraduate course

Inner Mongolia University For Nationalities, located in Tongliao, East China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, is a comprehensive University For Nationalities. Key construction of colleges and universities for Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Inner Mongolia autonomous region people's government and state ethnic affairs commission to build colleges and universities, the Midwest university foundation ability construction project (phase ii) colleges and universities, support for Chinese government scholarship students receiving institutions in China, the national college students' innovative entrepreneurial training plan, the new engineering projects, research and practice of Europe and Asia - Pacific university union members.

The school was founded in 1958, and was formed in 2000 by the merger of the former Inner Mongolia Normal College for Nationalities, Inner Mongolia College of Mongolian Medicine and Zellimu College of Animal Husbandry. In 2006, the university was designated as a key university of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. In 2009, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region signed an agreement to build the university. Mongolian Medicine has been approved to serve the training program of national special needs talent doctoral program.







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