Simile 明喻
It is a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike elements. To make the comparison, words like as,, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other. Similes are used to describe words or phrases more vividly and emphatically.
明喻是比喻最常見的一種,作者常常借助這個手法将具有某個共同特征的兩個不同事物聯系在一起。在明喻中作者使用比喻詞比如as,as…as,as if,like,seem等。通過明喻,作者能夠通過讀者熟悉的對象更加生動形象地了解不熟悉的對象,從而表達出作者的特定情感或者态度(mood or attitude)。請看以下例子:
Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit.
I wandered lonely as a cloud.
Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.
The check fluttered to the floor like a bird with a broken wing.
He is in the kitchen like a duck to water.
And yet, players take home no money. None. How can this be? Because, like unscrupulous tycoons from a Dickens novel, college presidents, athletic directors, and conference commissioners set their players’ wages as low as they can get them—zero. According to a recent study, if college football operated under the same revenue-sharing model as the NFL, each player on the Texas A&M squad would see a paycheck of about $225,000 per year.
(節選自Sean Gregory,“It's Time to Pay College Athletes”)
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