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 > 六級單詞巧記


圖文 更新时间:2024-09-30 21:20:23

六級單詞巧記?A Rivalry of LaughterThe rivalry between the two princes was rigorous. If it was not who could tell the best riddles, it was who could make the best rhymes. The royalty was never as happy as when the two boys competed with their jokes in the roundabout where they all gathered. Everyone would ripple with laughter as the boys ripped into each other with their robust humor as they roamed the room like attacking lions.Each ritual competition would begin with the boys each wearing an oversized robe, one of the color rouge and one of blue. That the ruffles of the robes were rotting from overuse never mattered. They were only rinsed once from the previous day.One day, however, the royalty’s romance with the rivalry between the princes reached new heights. This happened with one of the prices brought in a rig of rotary devices to use against the jokes of his brother. When the other prince touched its rim his hair stood straight up from the electric current produced by the rubies in the device. The royalty all fell to the ground laughing as the second prince screamed in surprise.Their laughter stopped suddenly however when they realized that the screams were not of pleasure but of pain. When the device was finally turned off the prince was dead. He had been electrocuted. The first prince, in such grief that his joke had been deadly, turned the rig back on and grabbed the rim himself. He died as well.That castle was soon abandoned and no one ever heard a laugh from it again.,我來為大家講解一下關于六級單詞巧記?跟着小編一起來看一看吧!




A Rivalry of LaughterThe rivalry between the two princes was rigorous. If it was not who could tell the best riddles, it was who could make the best rhymes. The royalty was never as happy as when the two boys competed with their jokes in the roundabout where they all gathered. Everyone would ripple with laughter as the boys ripped into each other with their robust humor as they roamed the room like attacking lions.Each ritual competition would begin with the boys each wearing an oversized robe, one of the color rouge and one of blue. That the ruffles of the robes were rotting from overuse never mattered. They were only rinsed once from the previous day.One day, however, the royalty’s romance with the rivalry between the princes reached new heights. This happened with one of the prices brought in a rig of rotary devices to use against the jokes of his brother. When the other prince touched its rim his hair stood straight up from the electric current produced by the rubies in the device. The royalty all fell to the ground laughing as the second prince screamed in surprise.Their laughter stopped suddenly however when they realized that the screams were not of pleasure but of pain. When the device was finally turned off the prince was dead. He had been electrocuted. The first prince, in such grief that his joke had been deadly, turned the rig back on and grabbed the rim himself. He died as well.That castle was soon abandoned and no one ever heard a laugh from it again.



rhymen.1.韻,押韻2.同韻詞,押韻詞vi.押韻,用韻vt.使成韻,用……押韻riddlen.1.謎(語)2.猜不透的難題,難解之迷3.粗篩,格篩vt.1.(用粗篩)篩2.把……打得滿是窟窿,把……弄得處處穿孔rigvt.1.(用不正當手段)操縱,壟斷2.給(船、桅杆)裝配帆及索具3. (up)用臨時替代材料迅速搭起n.1.船桅(或船帆等)的裝置2.成套器械rigorousa.1.嚴密的,缜密的2.嚴格的,嚴厲的rimn.(圓形物體的)邊,緣vt.環繞(圓形或環形物的)邊緣rinsev.1.漂洗,沖洗2.用清水漂洗掉(肥皂沫等)n.1.漂洗,沖洗2.染發劑ripv.扯破,撕壞n.裂口,裂縫rip into 猛攻,猛擊ripplev.1.輕輕蕩漾2.(使)泛起漣漪n.漣漪,波紋ritualn.1.(宗教等的)儀式2.例行公事,老規矩a.1.作為儀式一部分的2.例行的rivalryn.競争,競賽,對抗roamv.随便走,漫步,漫遊roben.1.長袍,禮服,法衣2.睡袍,浴衣v.(使)穿上長袍(或浴衣等)robusta.強壯的,健康的romancen.1.戀愛,戀愛關系2.浪漫氣憤,傳奇色彩3.愛情小說,傳奇故事rotv.(使)腐爛,(使)腐朽n.腐爛,腐朽rotarya.旋轉的,轉動的rougen.胭脂vt.用胭脂擦roundaboutn.1.繞行線路,繞道,環狀交叉路2.旋轉木馬a.繞道的,繞圈子的,不直截了當的royaltyn.1.王族(成員)2. [常pl.] (著作的)版稅rubyn.紅寶石,紅寶石色rufflev.1.弄皺,弄亂2.激怒,擾亂n.褶裥飾邊


A Rivalry of LaughterThe rivalry between the two princes was rigorous. If it was not who could tell the best riddles, it was who could make the best rhymes. The royalty was never as happy as when the two boys competed with their jokes in the roundabout where they all gathered. Everyone would ripple with laughter as the boys ripped into each other with their robust humor as they roamed the room like attacking lions.Each ritual competition would begin with the boys each wearing an oversized robe, one of the color rouge and one of blue. That the ruffles of the robes were rotting from overuse never mattered. They were only rinsed once from the previous day.One day, however, the royalty’s romance with the rivalry between the princes reached new heights. This happened with one of the prices brought in a rig of rotary devices to use against the jokes of his brother. When the other prince touched its rim his hair stood straight up from the electric current produced by the rubies in the device. The royalty all fell to the ground laughing as the second prince screamed in surprise.Their laughter stopped suddenly however when they realized that the screams were not of pleasure but of pain. When the device was finally turned off the prince was dead. He had been electrocuted. The first prince, in such grief that his joke had been deadly, turned the rig back on and grabbed the rim himself. He died as well.That castle was soon abandoned and no one ever heard a laugh from it again.






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