They strolled through the park, with arms entwined. 他們挽着胳膊漫步穿過公園。 英語解釋: ~ sth (with / in / around sth) to twist or wind sth around sth else 盤繞;纏繞: , 更多精彩资讯请关注tft每日頭條,我们将持续为您更新最新资讯!
They strolled through the park, with arms entwined.
~ sth (with / in / around sth) to twist or wind sth around sth else 盤繞;纏繞: , 更多精彩资讯请关注tft每日頭條,我们将持续为您更新最新资讯!
~ sth (with / in / around sth) to twist or wind sth around sth else 盤繞;纏繞: