An eye for eye and tooth for tooth. 以眼還眼,以牙還牙;A still tongue makes wise head. 寡言為智;Do not cut off your nose to spite your face. 不要做害人害已的蠢事;A bald head is soon shaven. 光頭剃發不費時;A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land. 聰明腦袋勤勞手,走遍天下貴如金;A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe. 身正不怕影子斜;A close mouth catches no flies. 病從口入;Two heads are better than one .三個臭皮匠頂個諸葛亮;A fair face cannot have a crabbed heart.有諸内必行諸外 。